Gaby Kowalski Interview Transcript


Nancy Rush: 

Well, welcome Gaby. I am really excited to have you here. Thank you for being part of this work. I really appreciate it. Let me introduce you by reading your bio. Gaby is a 5D visionary, a self-made millionaire, and the founder of the Oneness Foundation and Magic School for teens and kids. Yay. She is also a speaker, quantum coach, soul mission, ascension and abundance mentor and creator of the New Earth Mission Collective Quantum Magic School and Codex of Abundance. With over 20 years immersed in personal, spiritual, soul, mission and business evolution, her passion is to support the creation and stabilization of a new earth. Where an abundant and loving life for all is the status quo, where we remember that we are multidimensional fractals of source consciousness, creating worlds and universes and all life matters. That's beautiful. I love it. All right, let's jump into what we were talking about before. I really want to dive into this concept of being multidimensional fractals of source consciousness that are creating worlds and universes. So, please tell me a little bit about that and what that means to us. 

Gaby Kowalski: 

Oh, hello, beautiful souls. Thank you so much for having me. Oh, we're going to have fun. Okay. So firstly, everyone listening and watching, please put your galactic hat on. That's right. You all have one and put your galactic seatbelt on. Because we are going to go on a journey into the quantum, into the very fabrics of the universe and what forms realities, what forms timelines, and what forms us. You know, who we truly are at a multidimensional level. When I say, you know, my mission is to support the consciousness of this world humanity, to remember that they're fractals of source consciousness creating worlds. What that really means is every single one of us is birthed of Source light. Every soul has its own unique soul signature frequency, yet it all comes from Source light. Source light is made of the highest libraries of love, the highest libraries of abundance, and the infinite wisdom of the multiverse. 

And every one of us are creators, creators of worlds universe as galaxies. And in this particular incarnation, we so happen to be this beautiful human being upon Gaia. That does not mean that there are other versions of us in other forms. Time does not exist in the universe in linearity. It only exists in linearity in the 3rd density, in the 3rd dimension, in the 4th, it starts to spiral in the 5th that begins to unify and become more fields of time or time at grids. And then it mushes into one field where everything is happening all at the same time. And I get that that's not something the mind can understand. This really is truly a body of intelligence that the heart field, that the heart can know, that the gut can know in some way, shape, or form too. 

And so, as you listen, I ask you all to please breathe into your heart, through your nose and out through your mouth. Take a deep breath, activate your heart. Welcome your beautiful heart to come into this conversation and ask your mind to have a little break and just sit back and receive the frequency of this. Allow yourself to go beyond the logical words of it and into the field of frequency. Feel it, receive it through your other senses, through your energetic body. And allow yourself to be bathed in the codes and what we share today with you. And I know that by the end of it, you'll feel incredible and there'll be even more remembrance in your field of how to create worlds realities more effortlessly.  

And so ultimately, everything exists right now in one field. If we look at the time grids or the time matrix, the version of you as an ascended master exists right now, as this version of you in human form exists. 

And you are interconnected with that ascended master version. You could perceive this as your higher self guiding you. Other versions of you that have lived on earth in advanced civilizations exist right now. And other versions of you that aren't doing as greatly in lower expressions also exist. And so we're interconnected with many, many versions of ourselves in other forms. And then in this lifetime, all the versions of us, you know, from our inner child to our teenager, to who we are now and future probabilities, possibilities, and timelines. This is the truth of it. It's one huge field of data that we're co-creating with. And this is what we would perceive as the subconscious realm or otherwise named the quantum realm. And when we look at the quantum, we are a fractal of source consciousness, meaning source light, source creator. Or if you perceive this to be God, however you, however you word it, language it, we are a fractal. 

We are a beautiful piece of light that makes up God's source, that makes up Soul Source. And every one of us is a creator. Every one of us is creating worlds and realities all the time. A lot of us though, are doing this unconsciously, meaning we've been kind of, you know, a lot of us are placed into what I, what we would call a grid architecture and an invisible field of rules. And what's, what's right, what's wrong, what's possible, what's not. And this codes our subconscious. So if we allow society to tell us who we need to be, how we need to behave, what's possible, what's not, and if we allow ourselves to maintain and hold the very frequency signature from our ancestors carried into our DNA of starvation, of scarcity, of not enoughness, all of this is playing a part in how we create realities. 

And we may think we've got no control because we keep recreating sometimes realities with everyone else around us. Yet the truth is what's actually co-creating those realities is the frequencies, the belief systems, the emotional plane, the whole universe that is us, and through the light source fractal that we are, the power to create universes is on constantly. And so this might sound a bit creepy, yet there are beings on this planet in power that are aware that we are powerful creators. And so they'll feed us data through the news, through social media to have us be afraid to have us believe certain things. And as soon as you did do that to a beautiful fractal of light that does forgets for a moment that they're the infinite creator of all reality, they start to buy into that reality. They'll buy into it, they'll believe it, they'll start living within it. 

And the truth is, they're actually co-creating it. We are co-creating all the realities around us. And why is that a beautiful thing to remember? Because the one piece that that differentiates someone who's living a sovereign, pure abundant life of creation, and someone who keeps regurgitating realities that they're not super excited about, is this embodiment that when it matters, we remember that we don't need to subscribe. We can unplug out of the invisible architecture of preexisting previous realities. We can unplug from needing to make our parents proud from needing to be approved of in society. We can unplug from everything external and simply plug into ourselves and expand the light of source within us. And as we grew this light of source, which is the light of our soul within us, and this grows and grows and grows and grows and grows, we just be in every moment we be the embodiment of creator. 

And then our thoughts, our ideas circle more around creation. We dream more. We take action towards those dreams. We don't watch the news anymore. We don't partake in conversations with people who are complaining about the realities they're not enjoying because we can see, oh, that's your reality. And yes, a lot of people are subscribing to that reality. A lot of people are co-creating that reality. I'm not negating that certain realities exist, that certain not so awesome realities exist of war and poverty and starvation and not nice things. Yet there are realities upon this planet, and there are a lot more of them that are abundant, beautiful, rich in life, rich in everything we could ever, ever desire. And as we speak those stories together, more and more and more, the collective of this planet creates a new world. We have that power within us. And yet when we look at what it really means to be multidimensional, it means that we remember that we can either be plugging into our wounded inner child or that past life where we got burnt at the stake or this other past life where we stubbed our toe or had a bad hair day, or, you know, we could be plugging into all the not fun aspects of life. 

Or we could start to turn the tides more and more and intend to continue bringing back into our body, reconnecting with all the beauty, every lifetime. You've been a goddess, a god, an angel, a beautiful, you know, gosh, like incredible avian being with powers to create worlds and traveling the universe and doing beautiful things all over the place. There is more, so much more data within our soul world, within the landscape of the infinite architecture of our soul. All the lifetimes we are having have had, will have. There is so much more of that in higher expression. Think about it. You know, if we were to look at the 12th dimensional universe, which by the way, that's not the limit to our universe, but if we look at the 12th dimensional universe, we currently as a society, humanity oscillates between the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimension. 

The 5th dimension is the one that you connect to when you feel peaceful and present. When you're connected to your soul and gratitude. And you know, those, those beautiful moments where you feel happy and you can really feel your soul and you've got more kindness for others, more generosity, more love in your field. This is 5th dimensional versions of ourselves. 3rd dimensional versions of ourselves are very judgy, you know, and gosh, usually very busy when you, very often there's very important, there's so many important things to do the, and there's right and wrong. I can't believe you behaved that way, and I can't possibly do that. So many rules, so many rights and wrongs, because the 3rd dimension is the dimension of duality. It's literally taking, putting depth over the 2nd dimension. We don't. The 2nd dimension is a dimension where from the 1st dimension, one broke into two. 

So dimension one is one, only one thing exists. If you were in the 1st dimension, you would just sit there staring at nothing blinking, because it's just you, you know, like if you're on video, you'd literally just see my face not moving. And my eyes scanning around the, in the 2nd dimension, the one broke into two. And it, and it was like, it's like you and me looking at each other now through, through this video, Nancy. It's like, Ooh, hello. The, however, there was no depth. So it was like two dots staring at each other. And if I was to put a line, if I was to draw a line in between us, we would believe that we disappeared. There'd be a line, and I'd be like, where's Nancy? Oh my God. Nancy's gone, ah, until someone came along and upgraded the field to the 3rd dimension and gave us depth. 

And as soon as they gave us depth and time, I could see beyond the line and go, oh, there, she's, it's like looking over a fence, you know, there, she's, she was always there. And in the 3rd density though, the structure of it, the greed architecture is duality. It's, I'm a me, you are a you. There's the illusion of separation. It's an illusion though. And so I then perceive you separate from me, you different from me. I will then note, how are you similar? How are you different? And the le, depending on the level of love I have in my heart, I will judge you or accept you <laugh>, for, for those things. In the 4th dimension of consciousness, we, we take out linear time. And instead of going and experiencing full linear time, which we do in the 3rd dimension, a past, present, future. And we're, you know, we're, we're constantly like a, a you'll either in, you know, in 3rd consciousness, you'll either prefer to live in the past or in the future. 

And there are those that spend a lot of time rethinking about the past. And in that consciousness architecture and or a lot of people that think about the future. And so, yay, the people that think about the future tend to be more go-getters tend to be more high achievers. However, they're never happy because they're constantly stuck in the loop of thinking about the future. What's next? What's the next thing? They can't maintain the present moment. Those that are stuck in the past are looping and bringing their past into their future. And they're con it's like a mirror effect. And they're recreating the same realities over and over again. The 4th dimension starts to who this apart. And so what it does is it creates a more circular time feeling. If you've entered the 4th dimension, you'll feel time warping, by the way. This can happen when you're having a lot of fun. 

It's like, what the crap? The whole day's gone. That's a 4th. It's been, you are in, it's kind of an interesting concept. Because in the 4th, you can experience the past, the present, and the future all at the same time in one unified field. And you can move through different time grids. And it can, like the time, the, the literal experience of time starts to warp. So, if you're listening to this and you've had this weird time, you know, warps, you are co-creating within 4th density. And time becomes more like circular. This is the experience of it instead of linear. 

Every now and then, I might speak light language just to share some codes in case <laugh> just a heads up, if that's okay. Because it just happened. And if you are new to this and would like to know what light language is, light language is simply frequency coded medicine, which is language of the soul. Our soul speaks many different languages because we exist in many different forms. And so I could be channeling light language as from a lifetime of, or lifetimes of me being a Lyran or being upon Ra or even, you know, wherever. Like I'm going to go into the depths of that. Or I could be channeling a language from an ancient civilization of this planet like Lemuria or Atlantis or many other languages. So if you, if I do this, it's because we are sharing frequencies and codes behind the scenes supporting you to receive this conversation even more in all ways and forms. 

Anyhoo. So, in the 4th dimension, like I said, time warps. And we get this like, whoa. However, in the 4th dimension, we're still co-creating with duality. We're still co-creating with this illusion of separation. The only thing that's changed is that time is warping. We can actually achieve so much more to, like, things are shifting. It's like we go, whoa, what? It's October already. It feels like this year's been like, you get this sense of, it feels like you've, this year's been going for years, but it's also disappeared in, in such a quick moment. In the 4th dimension, we start to have greater access. And this is where we are interconnecting to time. The time matrix, if you look at its time grid. So imagine like a football field of time here, here, here, infinite football fields, each of them within them having linear time, but they're all a field. 

These could be fields that hold you at eight, you at nine, you at 10. You as a man in Egypt, in 4,000 years ago, you as a kid in Atlantis, you know, ridiculous. Thousands of years ago, you as a completely other being on a different planet. And so it's, when we look at the architecture of it, it's like all these fields, and it's the time matrix, all these grids of time. In the 4th dimension, as we evolve and ascend and we access it, we start to interconnect to this multi-dimensionality version of ourselves. We have even more connection to our higher aspects and also our lower aspects. And for some people, when they go through an evolution and ascension journey, and they entered this phase, they actually feel like they're worse off than they were when they were in their 3rd consciousness form. Because in their 3rd consciousness form, they resided on one football field predominantly. 

And the interconnection to the others was really faint. And so it kind of felt like they could control things a lot better. Once you open up and you are interconnected to other versions of you, it's great when you are streaming and you are channeling abundant versions and loving versions not so great when you are streaming pain, suffering deprivation, and you, you're harmonizing those versions of yourself. And this is happening at the 4th level. And so, some people during their ascension and their evolution journeys through the 4th bridge, through the 4th layer, honestly, it's, hold on, you know, to something. And the truth is that the only thing that makes that ride enjoyable is choosing to co-create with love, choosing to co-create with abundance. And there's a point where we truly choose love over contrast. There's a point where we have a conscious choice to make. 

Will I continue co-creating realities of contrast of duality, of right and wrong? Or will I actually choose love? Will I choose love as my guiding force? Will I expand my heart field? Will I choose compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and call more of my higher consciousness in? And as we do that, we travel through the 4th activating and calling more and more of our higher consciousness in which creates more and more beautiful realities of space of, you know, just oh, the most beautiful soul nourishing experiences. And we're able to then fully access the 5th dimension, which is the beginnings of unification. In the 5th dimension, there's the first beginning of unifying. And what I mean by this is, at that perspective, time is unified into the greater construct where we then come into, we are not, we are not separated. This is this body, this vessel, this version of us is not separate to every other version of us. 

We are a collective consciousness with the ascended master version, with the little boy in Egypt, with every version of ourselves. And as we unify this, we can co-create realities with all of it. This is where we co-create realities with our soul. This is where we come out of needing our ego and our mind to micromanage all our realities and be like, this is what I want, and these are my boundaries, and blah, blah, blah. And we come into a place of, you know what I'm calling in love. I'm calling in the most beautiful divine partner. And yes, I want them to be XYZ. I'd love these features in them. I want them to be kind and funny and adventurous. And we would fill in some of the things that we know from our heart that we want to experience. We would not fill it in with what we don't want. 

We wouldn't fill it in with judgment: I don't want them to be short, and I don't want them to be fashionable <laugh>. Instead, we code the creation in our field with all the beautiful stuff that makes our mouth water. It's the stuff we desire. It's a different frequency signature to create with desire, true soul desire. And you can feel it then control. And then we let our soul feel in the blanks. We literally go, this is the kind of partner I want. And you know what soul and all versions of me fill in the blanks with what I in this consciousness cannot see or touch or get yet because I know I bring this piece to the puzzle. But there are other versions of me that have, that are residing now in the 12th dimension, in the 11th dimension, in the 7th. 

And they can perceive more. I'm still in the 5th where, believe it or not, I've got my own version of a line drawn in front of me where I perceive some form of an illusion. Does this make sense? At every dimension this is the field to play in at the next dimension. Ah, there's more to play with. And when we co-create realities as a, a fractal of source consciousness, this is the beginning of it getting that we are actually this incredible infinite soul with libraries of intelligence from all the lifetimes we are having in every single time grid, all over the multiverse. And when we accept that, when we welcome that, when we truly claim, oh my God, I am infinite creator, we can never be a victim again. Yet we can create the most incredible, beautiful, unique realities that bring us more joy, that have us pinch ourselves every day. 

That have us go, wow. Like, wow, it gets to be better and better and better from this space, from this way of, from this level of consciousness. The expansion of love continues. The expansion of abundance continues. We're no longer co-creating with duality and looking at our pain. And ah, that feels good. That's a construct of the 3rd and 4th and, and the beginning points of 5th dimensional consciousness. We continue ascending in the 6th dimension. We reclaim the remembrance of architecture, how the very fabrics of this universe are formed and they're formed with energetic grids. So think of it like no different to the football field. If I create a football field and I draw the line, I don't actually know much about football. I don't know why I'm using it <laugh>. If I create a football field and I draw lines and I put the posts in there for the goals, I've created an architecture that you can play in. 

And if I teach you the rules, you can play on that football field. Yes, yes. There. And so this is literally the way our universe is formed. There are grids like this and they're dimensional, but they're also created between come communities, societies will have our grids with our family. What we've coded into what, you know, who here's ever been like, oh, I can't tell my mom that, or, you know, oh, but you know, I can't do this with my parents because they're the rules of the grid, you know? And the architecture of this universe is grids. Gaia has all these energetic grids within her. Do you know what's awesome? That already within Gaia sit the golden grids, the celestial grids, the crystalline grids that are made of 3rd density control, we can simply unplug out of one and plug into another. 

They already exist. This is what we're doing in our ascension. We're connecting into what already exists in the already now created universe. All our highest realities already exist. All our highest timelines already exist. There's actually nothing to, so like, create the way that we would perceive creation of, I've got to build it, I've got to make it. It's instantly there. We take a journey of becoming the intelligence frequency, embodiment, and you know, we be the version of ourselves that simply shifts into that time grid, into that grid, into that architecture. Our souls already created all of it. Anytime we have a desire, instantly it's created. There's one rule in our universe, and that is all creations must be experienced. And so either we experience it in this consciousness stream or an alternate version of us does. I know that sounds a bit weird or sci-fi, but it's true that we, there's many versions of us in parallel, alternate form. And we either, we become and we experience that reality, or another version of us does, there is no unexperienced creation. 

And that also explains why there are some crappy realities. Because anything we create is experienced. And a lot of people don't even know that they're creating with their thoughts, with their imagination, you know, or with their fears and as they're like, or with their anger or, you know, like, screw you, you know, <laugh>, if they get upset at someone, and then they envision, you know, certain, certain realities. This is the, this is the truth of our beautiful universe. All creations are experienced through a version of ourself and harmonized and unified. And as we expand into the 7th form, the 7th dimensional version of us is network consciousness. And what does this mean? It means that at the 5th dimension, you are interconnecting with your soul. You are becoming a collective consciousness with your soul. And you literally perceive it like you are on the round table, high council of your soul. 

And you're in no way shape or form, it's not hierarchal, it's, you are a family with your soul. You know, you are the human. There's somebody else who's the alien from a different planet. Somebody else who's that little boy in Egypt? Somebody else who's the ascended master? Somebody else who's an angel. You know, this is 5th dimensional consciousness unification that you are part of a collective consciousness with your soul at the 7th dimensional form, you, we unify again, once the 6th part is done, where we get architecture, the architecture of the universe, grids, codes, templates, what forms the very known universe in ourselves. And this would be the energetic stuff that you would see behind the physical, all the energetic, or if you've seen the Matrix movie, you know? That's basically the, in the 7th we come into collective consciousness with others. 

And this is where we unify with, for example, Gaia, where we can interconnect and, and plug into the tree kingdom, the water networks, the beautiful animal kingdom. The consciousness of every ecosystem of this planet becomes a part of us. We unify with our planet, for example. And we can also unify with each other. We come into a collective grid of thought where we can communicate telepathically with each other, where we can send data and receive it. This is all part of 7th Dimension. It's network consciousness. So if you've seen the movie Avatar, how they connect, it's that, it's that type of architecture. And we have access to it again, and more and more and more. And so I share this with you because of course, why wouldn't we co-create with our soul consciousness when we've got aspects of our soul already in the 7th co-creating with Gaia co-creating with others, knowing even with greater precision, what manifestations would be even more delicious for us than our mind, than our current human experience could possibly imagine. 

And oh, one of the more tangible ways that we get to take this journey, if you'd love to, there's a few different pieces to it. And one of them is we choose, one, we choose to co-create with our soul. And remember that we are this incredible, incredible intricate being. And we take the journey of calling back more and more and more and more and more of all the different versions of ourselves into this body, into this body, into this consciousness. I have a beautiful course called Quantum Magic School, where literally we spend the whole time just calling back different versions of ourselves for the purpose of embodying more of our soul light magic. And this is how it's a quantum certification it's quantum practitioner certification, which has people not learn another skill or another tool that somebody else taught them. It's literally calling back, you know, high priestesses from Atlantis and the toolkit we had in those lifetimes. 

And being able to channel that when we, when we serve clients, calling back Lemuria, you know, like versions of ourselves and being able to channel the light languages, channel the codes, channel the teachings. And to me, this is off its head next level when it comes to service, because it's serving in our 5th form with many different versions of ourselves. I love that when I serve the souls I serve, it's not just this version of me, it's all versions of me in dragon form, in angel form, in goddess form, in, in many, many different forms that are working in the background with the souls I serve. And I channel them when I'm on stage and when I'm delivering that, you know, I'll, like, Nancy knows, because we're working together, I'll speak all these different languages. Yet ultimately the reason this is happening is because I chose to, I literally wanted to, I chose to call back these other aspects of myself. 

And in the, there's a gift that we are giving everyone today. There's a link that Nancy is sharing with you guys. And in that link, there are 18 different activations and transmissions. You can scroll through to see which title speak to you. One of them is calling back your soul gifts. And so, if anyone's loving this conversation and you'd love to have a taste of what it's like to call back some soul gifts through different versions of yourself, then scroll down that link that we give you. Go to your soul gifts and listen to that one and receive that activation and initiation. And you could receive that many times and keep receiving more and more and more different expressions of yourself. And as we do this, I truly believe that we embody more of our soul light. And instantly we erase. Like, it's, it's like we cleanse, or we upgrade any limitation based subconscious imprints. 

Because the more that you remember who you truly are, this infinite fractal of source consciousness that creates universes, you've created worlds and universes, and you're doing it all the time. You know, as we embody this, I feel like this is the path of letting go of those fears, letting go of the not enough nesses, letting go of all those other imprints and echoes left over from the 3rd dimension. Because they don't fit the new grid. They don't fit the new architecture anymore. And the other piece I recommend, if you are loving this and listening to this is creating a relationship, a conscious relationship with our soul, talking to our soul. And this looks in many different ways. It looks like talking to our higher selves, talking to our actual soul, talking to our soul family, talking to councils of light and beautiful benevolent beings that serve us. 

It's all part of the soul consciousness network. And it would look like this soul. What's our truth? What's the higher perspective right now? Soul share with me. And we start to channel our soul more by talking to it. And please know, our soul will always expand us, not contract us. There are people that go in and they're like, let me just tune in. And they're not channeling their soul. They're actually channeling aspects of fear and limitation and scarcity. So, if you are really wanting to master this, know that your soul will always expand you. Your soul will always take you to places that honestly sometimes are not comfortable for the human. Like the human can get a tight butt going, eek, you want me to do what the, you want me to take even greater courageous action? You know, you want me to step into the next reality and let go of this one? 

You want me to follow my dreams all out? This can be a little scary for us sometimes when we co-create with our soul, it, our soul's always calling us to more love, to more abundance, to more possibility. Our soul does not tell us, don't do this. You know? So, when people are like, oh, my soul said, no, not right now. It's not in alignment. If the frequency of someone saying that is my soul said there's an even higher time to do this in, once I've integrated what I have right now, then in the next weeks I'll be ready for more. Can you feel the difference between what I said first to what I said 2nd that you'll be like, yep, that's a soul. That's the soul going, yes, receive what you have and then receive this thing next. You know, go take that holiday, go do that course. 

Go on. You know, go all out and open your heart to that person or whatever it might be. Yet, if ever we go into our soul and we're like, yeah, no, this person, if we ever have a, this person's not good, we need to stay away from this person. That's not how the soul looks at things. The soul would say, ah, the resonance is not quite accurate here, this person. And you don't have the highest resonance. There's someone of an even higher resonance coming and bless the gifts of this person and fully open your heart to what's coming and allow yourself to open like a flowering bloom. There is more coming that's in higher resonance. Do you feel the difference? This is how discerned what's coming from our soul frequency and what's coming from fear or what's coming from control or what's coming from the ego pretending or wanting to still have power? Is this, this, I hope and trust that this is supportive and gives everyone some pieces to play with. 

Nancy Rush: 

I'm laughing as you're talking about this to myself because this is exactly the lesson that I just learned. The conversation that we had where I was pushing really hard to get all of this material and absorb it, and your conversation with me is like, no, you need to accept it with reverence. You need to slow down so that you can fully embody it. And just the relief and being like, my ego was like, push, push, push. Hurry up and get it done. And then my soul was like, no, we're going to just receive all those beautiful codes and everything. And I mean, it was radically different. And the thing that kept coming up as you've been talking about this, is that for those of us that continue to create in the three dimensional and even 4th dimensional, I think that this perpetuates the suffering, this incredible suffering. 

And you know, I, I see so many people that either come to me and probably come to you and they're like, I want to create a life that I really, really want. Not what somebody else thinks that I should have. But but then they get stuck, you know? Because they're trying to co-create with the 3rd dimensional grids, which isn't going to work. So, I love that there's this, this opportunity and I kept thinking like, oh, is it, does it need to be complicated? And it's like, actually no, it doesn't need to be complicated at all. You just have to, like you said, you have to choose, you have to show up. You know, you connect to these other parts, and I love that you're creating this sort of like trail of breadcrumbs is the way, you know, your 18 activations. It's this lovely little trail of breadcrumbs that it's like, come taste, you know, see what this is like. 

I mean, you know how much I love the work that you do and how much it's already significantly changed my life. It’s changed my perspective on the world. When I look at somebody and I have a conflict, as I start looking at them to the love of lens and compassion and truly love and compassion, not judgment, and the 2nd I go into judgment, I know I'm in my ego, right? So, I mean, it's beautiful. I think that what you're offering and what, how powerful that people remember that they are a source of spark of the divine. You know, you said it better than me, but you know what I'm trying to say, 

Beautiful. The spark of the divine. I love this. And you know, upon, upon what you are saying here, the other piece to this is truly coming to a place where we choose love at everyone's ascension journey will be a point where we choose love over contrast. We choose love over righteousness. We choose love over judgment or justice. And this is a big one. And this is the portal out of the 4th into the 5th. This is the portal that truly takes us and unplugs so much so fast from the 3rd and 4th dimensional consciousness versions of us. It completes the, it completes our journey there. And yet of course, this is when we are ready to, this isn't something we force. Like it's a, there's a moment where we are really ready and we're like, okay, I've done, I'm done. 

And not from a I'm done. Get away from me. It's from a, I feel really complete with exploring, contrast, exploring, you know, ah, this feels wonderful. And then, ah, I stubbed my toe, the exploring duality, exploring the illusion of duality. I feel really complete. I feel like I've explored it enough and I wish it all the best. I'm ready now to anchor into love, anchor into abundance where it's a different reality spectrum because we are no longer co-creating with two things. We're co-creating with one that can, that never has an end love. Like, it's like when I choose love, there's no end to it. And it's like a, I can love more, I can have even more compassion. I can have even more kindness. I can hold even more joy. I can hold even the, like, it literally just grows and grows. 

And our journey then goes from love to more love to more love, to more love, to more love, to more love. And it's not perceived as less love, more love. That's, you know, it's not put into that box. It's just this beautiful expansion that happens and it's delicious. You know, like, I love that I wake up and I'm like, oh my God, I love my partner even more. I love my dogs even more. I love the souls I serve even more. I love my mission even more. Like, it's just like, the heart just keeps growing, you know? And you're like, oh, there's just, when I thought there's no way I could love more pulsating heart and expansion happens. And that's a, that's like a real, you know, yes. This, I choose this. And it's funny because in order to even choose this, we require to let go of addictions to drama, you know? 

If we have an addiction to drama, ooh, what's going on? If, you know, if you are the kind of person that, like, as soon as drama, like there's some drama in the air, you're like, Ooh, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me. Then there's still these codes and imprints. And we may think as a collective humanity that we choose peace, but the truth is, a lot of us don't. Peace is boring for that program. That program. It's like there's a maturity that needs to happen in our consciousness for us to choose peace over drama for us to, and to me it's a, well, why would I engage with a narrative that's not, not kind, you know, and put my life force energy into that. To me, it's logical. I only want to put my life force energy into beauty, into love, into things that leave this planet even more incredible than how I entered it. 

Gaby Kowalski: 

That’s my driving force. And that leads to peace. That leads to when there is drama going on, I actually tune out. It's the opposite for me. I'm not like, Ooh, tell me, tell me, tell me who cheated on who and what's going on and who slapped who. It’s the opposite. It's like, okay, it's my time to go now. I'll let you guys talk about this and I'm going to go for a walk in the park. Because to me, one of the most beautiful ways that we can serve the co-creation of a new world is not partaking in the continuity of the old, to not keep feeding the old, you know? And that is letting go, letting go of drama and choosing peace, peace, beauty, pleasure. Like there is so much pleasure beyond drama, yet there's this moment where we're like, okay, I'm bored with the drama. 

You know, just, oh, it's the same, it's the same. You know, it's always the same. I'm, the stories are the same in slightly different configurations. I'm going to let that go and I'm going to step into pleasure, peace, stillness. Oh my God. Like tasting the beauty of this planet in this moment of now. And as each of us do this, before you know it, we're all living in a completely new world because we're the ones co-creating this planet. Not the leaders, not the, you know, the ones that are pulling a lot of the puppet strings. They need us to buy into their narratives. They need us to put our life force energy into their ideas. But if we stop doing that, if we stop engaging in media and the news and, you know all the, you know, any information about celebrities and all the gossip, if we let all of that go and no one's buying it anymore, and we start channeling our energies into creating our realities, that's how fast it happens. 

Nancy Rush: 

It's been a really interesting process just for me personally, because that whole addiction to drama, it's like, I'm not addicted to drama, but oh, I'm so addicted to drama. And, but the relief of being able to start to let it go, because it's like you don't, at least for me, it was a realization of how much it was perpetuating, you know, the drama was perpetuating conflict was perpetuating suffering, you know, and, and keeping you small and trapped versus, like you said, choosing peace. And one of the most profound things, at least for me recently, is that you've been talking a lot about the beauty of Gaia. And I think that for so many years, and for so many of us, we only see the terrible parts of it. You know, we only see the parts that have been created that are, you know, all the suffering or, you know, the extinction of certain animal species and that sort of thing. And it's like Gaia is so beautifully abundant and there's beauty to be, you know, reveled in and to be respected and have reverence for, right? So, I love that you're talking about this. Because I think it's just a wholly different perspective that's really important for people to hear that there's so much more for us to co-create with, rather than just feeling like we're stuck in these little limited lives, right? 

Absolutely. Yeah. And the funny part too is that, you know, the, the deletion of the beauty of Gaia is a hypnosis. It's not actually real. 

Any single person who travels, and by the way, you don't even have to, you could just get on YouTube and travel. You could get on YouTube and start typing in like to see <inaudible>, like people are making all these beautiful travel <inaudible>. Have a look at this planet. Every continent is like a whole new planet. Totally different. Greece looks completely different from Scotland, looks completely different from Egypt, looks completely different from New Zealand, looks completely different from Switzerland. Looks completely like the abundance of beauty than animals. I dare anyone here to name all the animals on this planet. 

Nancy Rush: 

<Laugh> probably couldn't do it. 

Gaby Kowalski: 

And so, yes, we could focus on as an extinction of an animal, or we could focus on the fact that I can't even name all the animals on this planet. That's how many there are. Then I literally could not name every tree species, every bird, every flower, every piece of fruit, every vegetable. There are different ones all over the world. All there is on this planet is abundance. Gaia is literally the most abundant life rich planet that we know of. I have other versions of me in different lifetimes that literally anchor Gaia codes onto other planets in my mission, in those lifetimes to support those planets to grow and nourish. And, you know, so, so often humans are thinking Gaia, these planets like the, you know, like the one, the, the one that tests you. The, you come here for your soul to grow. 

It's like, you know, once you evolve past it, you don't have to come back to this planet. Gods and goddesses have been coming to Gaia for eons because she's a playground. There are so many more histories over the infinite time. Gaia has been around where there's been advanced civilizations and advanced consciousness coming onto this planet to enjoy this planet. Then this tiny bit of history that we seem to think is the only history that's available to us, which deletes so much. I mean, come on. There's nothing recorded about all the magical artifacts all over the planet. Planet, all the pyramids and temples and big stone. There are so many mysteries of this planet. Why are they mysteries? Because they've been erased. The data of them was empowering. The data of them led to this very information that I speak of today. And so, of course, if you want the people to create the realities you want them to, don't, don't tell them that they can create their very own ones. 

They're not going to; they're not going to feed yours. They're not going to watch your news or read your tabloids or partake in any of the drama. And this is an interesting piece, you know, to look at. And I love that you share this too, because you just need to open your eyes to come out of the illusion. Look at a sunset, look at the infinite oceans. We have not even scratched the surface of what's inside our oceans. There are magical water beings inside of our oceans. And scientists will tell you they just haven't been able to access. That's the ocean grids are larger than the, the land grids. They have not been explored. You know, there's still so much of this planet that hasn't been explored, beauty's treasures to open to unlock. And oh, my good goodness, if we just forget about society for a 2nd, forget about needing to impress anyone. Forget about needing to be anything, to be enough. And we just come into this organic form. Imagine yourself in nature, naked on a nice warm day. <Laugh> 

You are as far away from society as you possibly could be. And everyone, there are people you love and they're also as far away from society. Everyone's on an infinite holiday from society and needing to get a job and a career and get a house and be enough and be good looking and be clever and be whatever. Forget it. Just be naked in nature. Go swimming in a waterfall. Go look at the trees, breathe in Gaia’s, beautiful oxygen, hear birds chirping. See fishes swimming. Allow yourself to come into this place. It exists everywhere. There is more of this on the planet. There is more nature on the planet than there is civilization. And that's the truth. In every country there is still so much empty nature. Grids, forests, mountains, you know, gosh, waters there is so much nature. There is so much freedom on this planet. 

Yet we've been hypnotized into thinking we have to live within these city grids and conform to them. And I'm not telling you to go live in nature naked. I'm just asking you to try that on for the frequency of it to be like, oh, you know, and we let go of all those, that noise and we just be in nature. We can actually start to activate, reactivate our interconnection to our soul. It's all within the templates of Gaia, yet it exists in her free grids. It exists in her nature. Grids not in her, not in the city grids. Every time you go into the heart of a city, you are co-creating with a pre-existing grid architecture created by man. And there are rules and things and what to wear and how to talk and how to behave. And there's nothing wrong with that. 

It's a playground. Yet when we know, ah, that's one playground, it's a playground, it's not a prison. And it's definitely not somewhere we have to like, that's it. I'm here. I can't leave. You know, we can enter it and leave it. We can go into the city and go have a beautiful meal and then we can leave it and be our sovereign self co-creating, we can absolutely enjoy the established architecture on this planet. There are beautiful things that have been created inside of our modern civilization. Amazing clothes and shoes. I don't know how to make shoes. You know, I'm so grateful I can go <inaudible> and buy some shoes and enjoy that, yet I'll buy the shoes I want to buy. Not the ones that a fashion magazine tells me to. 

Nancy Rush: 

That's really lovely. It makes me think of this morning I was out feeding my horses, and it was really early and there was just this incredible sunrise. I mean, hot pink, you know, purples like, everything just gorgeous. And I just took a moment to just soak it in. Because it was like, oh, beautiful gift, beautiful gift, right? Being able to get up in the morning and not immediately pick up the cell phone and or worry about whatever it is that's on my mind. No, having just even a moment in in that nature was so important and set the tone for the day. And I, I love this idea of playground. I really do. Because you're right, it is fun sometimes to go to the city and have a fantastic meal or see a show or whatever. I wouldn't want to stay there. But I love the fact that it could be playground. You know, you can show up and have a fun swing on a swing set and then you're like, I'm out <laugh>. So, absolutely. 

Gaby Kowalski: 

That's interesting too. I just thinking, you know, you, I know you have horses and the spending time with animals like horses is quite an incredible piece too. Anytime we spend time with animals, they have the capacity. Horses specifically have a certain code within them, though animals have this capacity to unplug us out of the architecture that if we chose to spend time with them, because they're not plugged into it. They play, they literally come in, they play in the playgrounds, but they're not plugged in. They are in no way. Like, does this make sense? And so through, through them we can reset ourselves and we can find our way into like the, you know, the purity and the clarity of our soul and oh my goodness, you know, any one of you like Nancy for you with the horses, it's such a beautiful, such a beautiful gift, you know, to, I've got three dogs and I love the way that we co-create together. 

And I love watching how happy and excited they get to go for a walk every day. And it's always the excitement to me, I love this because that is living an incredible life. I don't need to create a brand-new reality every single day to keep my ego entertained and my drama bucket full. I can have the same nature walk every day and be as excited every day, just like a dog. And yes, of course it'll be different because the, the clouds will be slightly different and the, as the seasons change, all the plants will be doing different things and there'll be different birds singing. And yes, there's always something slightly different. Yet ultimately the same nature walks every day with my dogs is delicious because they bring a brand new excitement to it. They're like, yes. They come out of the back, we've got a big forest in like my garden backs into this giant beautiful forest. 

And as I open the gate, they charge out like horses in a race, <laugh>. And off they go. And they're so excited. They act like it's the first time they've ever had this. And to me there's some, there's beauty that we can receive from, from the animals around us that reminds us how to enjoy this life. Because here's the truth, it's not just creating realities. It's our capacity to enjoy them. That gives us the life of our dreams. Otherwise, we would need another stimulating experience upon another stimulating experience to keep our dopamine activating, that's not living our highest reality on this planet. Our highest reality is when we can receive all the beauty, when we can come into this moment. And so, I'm kind of curious, you know, how your horses do that for you. 

Nancy Rush: 

A hundred percent. My horse talks to me and he's told me that's his job is to bring me into the present moment and to really be there. And I was thinking about, we have three dogs too, and we took them up to our property and we let them run and you would've thought they were puppies that just had, they were having so much fun and it's contagious, you know, you watch them and they're just, and same thing, my horses were out in the field grazing the other day and they decided to just have a little bucking fit and they're running around and they're having all kinds of fun and snorting and bucking and all this stuff and it's like awesome to get to witness it, you know? I feel really blessed because of that. But yes, animals can teach us a whole lot about being in the present moment for sure. Well, this has been lovely. I would love to keep talking to you, but I know you have another commitment coming up soon. Did you want to say anything more about your free gift? You already did talk about it a little bit. 

Gaby Kowalski: 

Well, check out the link and scan whichever, you can receive all 18 beautiful transmissions or just scan whichever one calls to you yet. The one I'm inviting you will be somewhere in the middle and it will say something like your soul gifts. Go play with that one. Receive it. I feel like if you've loved this conversation, you'll love that one. And that's, that's, that's all I want to say there. 

Nancy Rush: 

Well, I can attest to the power of your activations. They are awesome and incredible, and I would encourage everybody to absorb all 18 because that's a huge generous gift. <Laugh>. But I mean honestly. Fabulous.  

So, I'll just quickly tell you, tell you about the free gift that I'm offering. I'm going to be teaching a three day masterclass on the ancient system of the 9 Star Ki, which not everybody knows what that is, but it's this incredibly powerful and simple system that helps you really understand your inner blueprint, how you're wired, what your themes and patterns might be, your strengths and your weaknesses and how to more beautifully be in relationship with others with true compassion and empathy. And so, we're going to be spending three days talking about that. And then of course, because it's me, there's going to be some coaching and some intuitive insights and you know, because it just, I love to do it. So, we're going to have fun. 

Gaby Kowalski: 

Oh my gosh, that sounds incredible. And what a beautiful gift this is exactly that too. You know, when we know what programs running behind the scenes, we then have the true power to be able to choose if we want to work with them or not. So, every one of us has software, you know, and it's beyond the consciousness. Our consciousness only has access to such a small amount of what's driving us behind the scenes. So, I love that you're running this because it gives every single soul this beautiful journey into your subconscious and explore what is driving your life. And then you have the choice to recode it and get the new programming so what's driving your life is in alignment with your dreams. What a beautiful gift. I love that.  

Nancy Rush: 

Oh, thank you so much Gaby. Hugs to you. I appreciate you so much. 

Gaby Kowalski: 

And everybody thanks you for playing with us. Much love. 

Chynna Haas

Chynna is a Web Designer & Business Strategist who loves a good entrepreneurial origin story told over iced coffee.

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