Gaby Kowalski

Creating Realties with Your Soul

An Interview with

  • Multidimensional Creation: Gaby explains that each of us is a fractal of Source consciousness, constantly creating realities and timelines.

  • Choosing Love Over Contrast: Gaby emphasizes that as we ascend in consciousness, we reach a point where we must choose love over duality and judgment.

  • Animals as Teachers: Gaby shares how animals, like horses and dogs, help us reconnect with nature and our soul, offering an opportunity to unplug from societal grids and return to the purity of the present moment.

  • Soul Gifts Activation: Gaby encourages listeners to activate their soul gifts by exploring different versions of themselves from past lives and higher dimensions.

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Interview Transcript

Nancy Rush: 

Well, welcome Gaby. I am really excited to have you here. Thank you for being part of this work. I really appreciate it. Let me introduce you by reading your bio. Gaby is a 5D visionary, a self-made millionaire, and the founder of the Oneness Foundation and Magic School for teens and kids. Yay. She is also a speaker, quantum coach, soul mission, ascension and abundance mentor and creator of the New Earth Mission Collective Quantum Magic School and Codex of Abundance. With over 20 years immersed in personal, spiritual, soul, mission and business evolution, her passion is to support the creation and stabilization of a new earth. Where an abundant and loving life for all is the status quo, where we remember that we are multidimensional fractals of source consciousness, creating worlds and universes and all life matters. That's beautiful. I love it. All right, let's jump into what we were talking about before. I really want to dive into this concept of being multidimensional fractals of source consciousness that are creating worlds and universes. So, please tell me a little bit about that and what that means to us.