Meet Our Team
n2gether brings talented intuitive practitioners together to support individuals and businesses in a way unlike any other.
As the name suggests, n2gether is focused on providing a supportive environment that allows each individual to bring forth their zone of genius to work synergistically together to support others in a powerful way. We excel at helping other progressive businesses create a healthy eco-system in which the company and everyone in it thrive.
Nancy Rush
I’m a former 9-to-5er, who realized that I could use my intuitive gifts to help others in a profound way, enabling them to thrive and manifest extraordinary results. Today, as an intuitive strategist, I bridge the seen with the unseen, helping people and their businesses identify what is limiting or blocking them. As we uncover these obstacles and move through them together, my clients achieve true and lasting transformation in their personal and professional lives.
Chynna Haas
Intuitive Business Consultant & Strategist
I support entrepreneurs, healers, creatives, and visionaries in building intentional and sustainable businesses that are vehicles for their Soul’s Work for this lifetime.
Utilizing the tools of technology, intuition, and business savvy, I provide clear direction and insight to help business owners move forward. I combine this with strategic guidance around the systems and technologies they need to bring into the business to empower its growth and sustainability.

Allow Us to Support You
A discovery call is the perfect way to get to know us and have your questions answered. On the call we’ll take stock of where you’re at, the support you’re looking for, and how we can help.