Wanda Vitale Interview Transcript


Nancy Rush: 

Wanda, welcome. Thank you for being here, I'm really excited to share with you with our audience. Let me introduce you by reading your bio. Wanda is a quantum coach, embodiment and identity mentor and founder of the Empowered Empaths. She guides her clients to step out of limitation and unconscious programming and into life and the business designed on their own terms. Her passion is to assist her clients and to step into their soul missions and leadership as they create results that defy logic. Wanda uses her 30 years of experience and personal evolution, spiritual evolution, business management, neuroscience and psychology to support this next wave of leaders for the planet.  

That's lovely. I love that you just bring all of this wonderful experience to, and that you actually are supporting what you call this next wave of leaders, because I really think that that's super cool. I want to talk about something that you sent over in your questions that really intrigued me, and that is this identity, the concept of altering identity or moving through identity to create the results that you want in life. Tell me a little bit about that. 

Wanda Vitale: 

There are many modalities out there that speak to changing our beliefs, and it is true. We only experience our beliefs, but that is a very slow way to chip, to chip away at what's really happening. Who we are is an identity that we formed as children when we were growing up. This is just psychology and a little bit of neuroscience. When we grew up until about age seven or nine, we were trying to make sense of the world. We had to make sense of the world and even in the third trimester we can hear just like we hear now, same thing. So, we picked up whatever we picked up from our parents and I personally have not met very many people. I'm going to say maybe one or two, in all the years I've been doing this, that had parents who were emotionally aware and emotionally available and knew what they were doing. Some of the younger parents, now, of course, if your listeners have little kids, they're doing a much better job. But for most of us, we grew up hearing things or deciding based on what we experienced. That money is hard. I'm not enough because our little 5-year-old brains here, I heard something like, why can't you be more like your brother and sister? That's what I heard when I grew up because I was so headstrong. 

We interpreted that as something is “wrong” with me and we learned things about money. Rich people do this. Poor people are, this money's hard. You've have to work hard. We're like an actor in a play and with a script; that's our identity and I think we’re waking up to the fact that we can choose a different play. Which is the result in our lives, and we can choose different lines. That's the identity and it's the fastest way to change everything. It's this idea of, okay, who am I being? Am I being the person that is enjoying my thriving business in a happy relationship, or am I not? Because what I see in the world is most people are out there trying to create results from the identity of a little vulnerable child and that's really why we get imposter syndrome. We do all these things that you and I both know with people, it's only because who we are inside isn't the version of us that can create the results that we want. Does that make sense? 

Nancy Rush: 

I think that's really interesting. This is because I'm thinking as you're talking about it. In my work, this pattern does come up where people are creating from old trauma or old experiences or old conditioning and a large part of the work is moving them through that to bring them into who they truly are, authentically and not who they think they're supposed to be. Not who people say they should be, but really who they truly are. So, in this idea of this identity shift, am I calling that correct? I want to make sure I'm being correct here. In this process of identity shift, help me understand how you work with people to bring them through this process and is this just a matter of self-exploration and being aware of patterns and then shifting them? It seems to me like there's probably a lot more there. 

Wanda Vitale: 

Yes. Here's what I would say. Life can change. We can change our identity in as little as 90 days. 

Nancy Rush: 


Wanda Vitale: 

I mean, but it also depends, right? It also depends on the patterns that we have. I always tell my clients who say, but why isn't it changing? I say to them, try to forget how to ride a bicycle. Just try that. There is a lot of talk about affirmations and mindset, but it's really body set. It's recalibrating our nervous system so that we're not reacting in the old ways. And it's really pretty simple. The first part is identifying some of the major patterns that we have that are in the way. That is the first step because we can't change what we're not aware of. So many people are geared toward action without slowing down to say, wait a minute, what am I thinking here? Our thoughts come and are generated from this identity, like the actor in the play that we are in. Then comes the thoughts. Those thoughts produce feelings, and the feelings determine what action we take, or we don't take. Or if we're afraid. And most people just go straight to the feeling part and say, I'm afraid and I don't want to do this. Or they say I'm a procrastinator and in the industry that you and I are in as entrepreneurs, I'm not technical. 

Nancy Rush: 

I have heard that one a lot. You're right. <Laugh> 

Wanda Vitale: 

I'm not technical. I don't know how and I sometimes have to stop to just notice. That's really the first part of it and it's really not that difficult. There are themes in our day that come up and I ask my clients to write them down just at the end of the day, what were the themes that came up? Don't judge but this is just noticing what we notice and then we use those themes. Could be whatever it is. It's different with everyone and then we use those themes, take them and use the opposite, to craft an identity of who do I want to be? We start though with what would you love? I'm certified with Mary Morrissey's organization who I've worked with and I mentored with Bob Proctor. Both are just amazing. 

That's the question that Mary asks of everyone, what would you love? We're so accustomed to making decisions from logic, from what we think might be possible, that we don't go straight to, “If everything was easy, what would I love?” “If I couldn't fail, what would I love?” “If everybody supported me, what would I love?” That is heart, it's fulfillment, it's passion. So, I actually start my clients with that. What would you love and then the question is, well, who is that version of you who is already experiencing that? How is that version of you different? What do they think? How do they handle the situation that you're in? And then we start to just notice things, uncover the patterns, and then we start to re-pattern. I do that in several ways. Our minds, this is why I use neuroscience because our minds like to be told what to do. 

Our minds are really like little children. So, when an old pattern comes up, for instance, with money, when people contract, we are so ingrained in society that lack is a thing. So, we have to be aware that we're even doing it, that we're contracting, for instance, when we're spending money. So then we switch that to: Oh, I have money! If we can spend money, we have money. Right? So, we have to tell our minds, what if there's not enough money? Which is such a common belief. What if I ran out? What if there's not enough? The lack of things. So, we have to just tell our mind, that's not me. The version of us that is contracted, that version believed there's not enough money. We have to say silently and strongly, no, that's not me. That used to be me, but this is who I am. This is what I believe. So that's an example of how we re-pattern. We have to make the unfamiliar, familiar because we are wired that way. We're wired to go back to what feels familiar. Even if the familiar is horrible or poor or struggling. 

Our paradigms and our patterns always come up. So, we always have a choice to say, is that me? Nope. That's not me. This is me. This is what I know. And eventually within about 30 days, the newer pattern takes over. 

Nancy Rush: 

I think it’s really great what you're talking about, and you mentioned something earlier about integrating it into the body because I understand the process makes sense to me. It's creating an awareness and then choosing to reframe that reaction. Like, oh gosh, I have to write this really big check. And it's like, oh! So, you reframe the thought, but then how do you integrate it into the body because really the body is an essential piece here, right? 

Wanda Vitale: 

Well, that's the piece where it just takes some time. My clients are so tired of hearing me have the Corona glue talk so they probably turn me off by now. We have this substance in the body, in the brain called neuronal glue and it's actually a physical substance that forms around a pattern so that when neurons fire, they fire in a pattern like riding a bicycle so that we don't have to remember every time we get on a bicycle, what do I do? We have body memory and so with repetition of saying, this isn't, wait a minute, that's not me. This is my feeling the feeling of who I am, who I'm choosing to be. The neuronal glue actually dissolves around the old pattern and then it starts to reform around the new pattern. When people say that they wobble their law of attraction, people listening to Abraham call a “wobble,” and I tell my clients that wobbling is a good thing because the neuronal glue is starting to dissolve. The way that you just automatically react, and the new pattern hasn't really set in yet. And so, we go through the wobble when we have a choice to choose. So that's how it's physical, anything that we experience with intense emotion goes right into the body, which is why trauma just doesn't go away. 

Nancy Rush: 

I've never heard of this concept before. I'm kind of geeked out by it, in a good way because I think it's really cool. I've heard of neural pathways and how you have to create new neural pathways and all of that, but this idea of this glue makes sense to me. It used to be that there was a route that I would drive to get from one place to this shopping mall in California and there were times I would do the drive and I wouldn't even really remember doing the drive because It was such an autopilot feeling. Right? So that's what you're talking about with this glue, and I find it fascinating that you can actually dissolve that old stuff that's holding it together, that old glue, and then create new glue. That it actually doesn't seem like it takes that long. That's the other fascinating part for me – 30 days and you could literally have yourself in a different place. 

Wanda Vitale: 

I use self-hypnosis with my clients. I use different tools. The biggest tool that I recommend to people is to just slow down. Really. It's just that it's so simple. People think, oh no, it has to be more difficult than that. Yes, there's more, but so many of us are action oriented. And I used to be one of those. That if I wanted more, I had to do more. If I wanted to make, if I wanted to triple my income, that meant I had to work three times as much. I had a lot of messed up money beliefs but they're just beliefs. That's just it. Our thoughts aren't even real. They're like clouds. Our thoughts and reactions are just commentary based on our past. That's all they are. If we would've grown up hearing, you're brilliant. I am so happy that you're my kid. You can do anything. You're so good at anything you do and things like that, we wouldn't struggle.  

The other thing that I know because I've been on this journey really since I was a teenager, so that's a lot of decades. Is that if we would've been raised by a shaman, a shamanic culture where parents were shamanistic, they would've said, you are going to go through some really tough things and there's wisdom in there, and it's all part of deepening you because you're here for a bigger reason that you don't understand now. Your life is all part of this reason that you're here, but we didn't hear that. That's why I use Human Design and Gene Keys with my clients, because it's a different perspective. We live in a society, especially here in the United States, where we compare. Where things are very surface level. Where we compare ourselves to other people and say, well, why am I struggling? There must be something wrong with me. It will always be this way. So, this identity that we think we are is like a thermostat. We can't outwork it. We can't do anything to move beyond our thermostat setting for money. If we have a great month or a great launch, then we move beyond our thermostat setting. What if something happens, an unexpected expense or we get sick. It can show up that way and it can be scary. Fear sets in, fear and doubt. So, when fear and doubts show up in my clients, I cheer, yay. 

Nancy Rush: 

Really? <Laugh> 

Wanda Vitale: 

You know where your thermostat setting is! We can move beyond it. We have to make the new comfortable, otherwise we keep going back to whatever is comfortable, no matter how much we don't want it in our lives. 

Nancy Rush: 

Exactly. I think this is fantastic. One of the things that I wanted to talk about here is that in this process, it sounds awesome, you figure out where your thermostat is, but the thermostat setting is movable. I know from working with my clients that resistance always shows up in some form or fashion. It shows up either through self-sabotage or through some other way that resistance shows up. So how can they work their way through this identity shift and when they encounter resistance, not let it just stop them in their tracks? 

Wanda Vitale: 

That's a great question. Well, resistance is just our old paradigm. They come up, sometimes screaming. Imagine a mom on the phone working with her 2-year-old wrapped around her ankle screaming and she's trying to walk. They come up like that, and they don't always come up, but our paradigms always do. So, we have to look at them as “good.” This is when I will look at a self-hypnosis tool with my clients, because life doesn't happen to us, it happens through us. It's really about understanding and asking yourself, why do I have resistance here? We can't believe two opposite things on the same topic and our beliefs are irrational. Again, we formed them mostly by the age of seven, sometimes till nine and then life gives us proof, like riding a bicycle, it puts us on autopilot, and we just go full steam ahead. So, when the resistance comes up, it's just saying, being persistent and saying there is resistance here. That's not me. That used to be me. I used to believe that if the resistance is about not feeling safe to accomplish what they want to, it's just a matter of saying, we meet it head on instead of pushing it down. Instead of it being a bad thing, it's a good thing. Just before a belief lets go, or a pattern, it gets loud. So, when it's loud, it's good. It's like fear. In my own life and having to recreate myself I really don't experience fear anymore. I can tell you that when I thought there was no hope, and I was going to be on the street and all the stories that played in my mind, I had to do what I tell my clients. Invite in the energy. This is the body part. Yep. This is fear. I have a tool. My old friend “resistance” is back. Come on in, camp out in my body if you have to… and it passes. 

We really aren't afraid of the thing. We're afraid of the feeling we might have. We have a story. When I walked out on my marriage and then was in an accident, the story was I’m not going to be able to walk and then what am I going to do? I believed my stories, which were just commentaries. The work is just to say, okay, I'm going to feel this. We normally try to stay out of our heads, because the feeling can be really intense. When you just let yourself feel, and it doesn't even have to be intense, you can see it. My old friend “resistance” is back, come on in. Within a very short time, it will go down from say, a 10 in intensity, down to nothing. Then you're back to looking at the possibilities. What else is possible here? Navigating not just from your mind and your fear body but navigating as the whole self. 

Nancy Rush: 

I completely get what you're saying because I see this pattern shows up with my clients too and in myself. Absolutely. That old story will happen and that feeling will come up, fear as an example. Or maybe it's the feeling of imposter syndrome. My first reaction is to push it away. To not acknowledge it. I'd rather just shove it in a pit, in a vault somewhere. Way, way, way down. Then it stays stuck versus letting it come up, letting it flow through, acknowledging it. What I find when people can do this too, is processes so much more quickly. Don't you find that? 

Wanda Vitale: 

It does! It takes 90 seconds for an emotion to move through the body. It's a wave. If we just let it, we would just feel the triggers and my take on the triggers is that these are decisions we made as children. When X happens, this is how I respond. Fear. Resistance. Where we freeze, but it's a decision that we made as a child. So, the process of life brings up similar situations and choosing to put that emotion on autopilot and you're right, it's like shoving a baby back in the closet saying I don't really have time to deal with this. We shove that screaming child back in the closet and say, I'll deal with it later,” but then the feeling just keeps coming up because that's what we're here to move through. Being limited in any way, and realizing we're here to be the amazing people that we intended to be when we came in. There's always a bigger plan for our lives. It's about making something new normal. So instead of normalizing resistance, which is what most people do, I've found over the years, most people think, well, everybody has fear. No, they don't. My clients don't, but everybody has resistance. No, they don't. It's really about normalizing. How would I, I'm not seven anymore. I'm not five anymore. How does this future me, who's living my vision, living my dream? How does that version of me handle this situation? Well, that version doesn't feel like resistance because that version has already gone through the process, grown the business and created whatever he or she wants. That version says, ah, I get to change. I get to get this out of the way. It's a growing experience for me and for many people. I work with a lot of coaches and authors and through this, they understand what their clients are going through. It is so normal that we just want to go right to the end. I understand all this stuff. Law of attraction, law of assumption, quantum field. I get it. So, I'm having this moment and then we say, well, why doesn't it work? It's not working. Where is it? Right? I know all this stuff. Why isn't it working?  

In my work I call them my higher levels. You could call them guides, who knows? Several years ago, someone said to me, “it will happen in the fullness of our vision and our lives unfold in the perfect ways so that we (the people) benefit from our work and from who we're being.” That usually means we get to take care of our own stuff and instead of handling things like a terrified child, we have to feel the feeling and then decide, how does this new me handle this? That part doesn't feel the resistance. That part says, I love my life. This all rolled out so easily. Life loves me. Grace loves me. We have to make that normal. 

Nancy Rush: 

I think that takes practice and so I think that's incredible the work that you do to mentor people through this process. I know in my own self-evolution, I've reached much of that place of what you're talking about. It took a lot to get there, and it still pops up. I hear you saying it and part of me just marvels at this idea that we're literally growing our businesses, putting ourselves into the world in relationships, operating from the 7-year-old self that created these beliefs, these reactions, these triggers but we think that we're completely free of all that, you know? That’s where, you know, we create from all of our wisdom and experience but it's like, nope, you're creating with the child version of yourself. I think that's just awesome that you talk about it that way because it seems so obvious when you say it, but it isn't really obvious, I think to many people. 

Wanda Vitale: 

It isn't but I think there's much more information about it now. A few years ago, nobody was talking about shifting at an identity level. I think this craze in manifesting that's everywhere on YouTube has helped because it's helped people understand that they're not powerless. We can create homes, cars, whatever we want, and then we wake up and go, now what? I'm not happy. I just bought this great house. Why aren't I happy? Right. Then we've already understood some of these principles for how it works. I think it's much more common now, neuroscience has not been around for a hundred years. I studied the “new thought” authors. That's part of my background and at the turn of the 19th century they were brilliant! Nobody knew about neuroscience then, but it's neuroscience-based that we're always talking to our body. Our bodies are always listening. We're always hypnotizing ourselves, so we need to be mindful about what we're saying and thinking. Neville Goddard's work, the law of assumption. Brilliant, brilliant stuff. Nobody talked about neuroscience then, but it didn't explain exactly what's happening. If we are always saying, I don't know how, I don't know how, I don't know how, or I don't know. What's a thing that your clients, some of your clients would say? 

Nancy Rush: 

What would my clients say? They would say that they're stuck in a pattern and no matter what they do, they can't get out of the pattern that they, you know, it's the same thing over and over. I'm constantly dating the wrong guy. There must be something wrong with me.  

Wanda Vitale: 

So, we keep thinking that Neville Goddard called it “inner speech.” When we say, oh, I'm stuck. There's something wrong with me. The body says, okay, I'll make that true and that’s most of us playing those little silly energy games. I have taught groups in the past where we decide, okay, today I'm going to see a golf ball, or today I'm going to see a purple car that I’ve never seen. Suddenly there are golf balls and places where there should be no golf balls. Suddenly there were purple cars everywhere and there weren't any. We are always telling our minds, I call it our scuba mask, what to look for. Always because reality is a lot more than what most people realize it would be like the movie, everything everywhere, all at once. 

My gosh and our minds block out most of it. Joe Dispenza uses the analogy of an atom that is 99.999% space and the rest of it is matter. That's the nature of reality. We only see a little bit of it and we're always telling our minds what to look for. Our brains, our “goal achieving” machines, we just have to tell it what to look for and it looks for proof. It's the way that we change these patterns. Look for proof and so we have to watch what we say. I'm stuck, I'm stuck. I'm stuck. Creates, yeah. I'm really stuck, and we see situations. Here's another situation where I'm stuck. Here's another one where I'm stuck. We realize that everything exists and it's no different than purple cars. You decide today I have clarity. I am choosing clarity today and then we look for proof. Well, where do you have clarity now? Then write it down, because it goes into our nervous system faster within a few days. Suddenly people realize, oh my gosh, I'm not stuck. I just didn't see it. It was right in front of my nose. So, this is really the process of working with our imagination. What do you want? It's working with our minds. It's becoming aware of our old patterns that are just habits. That's all. They're just habits that we don't look at. Everything is a habit and generally it gets traced back to what you learned as a kid. Money is so hard for so many people because we have all these ideas that aren't even ours so we can believe anything. Anything. 

The fastest way is what would I love? Who is that version of me? How does that version of me think, how does that version of me talk? That version of me just says everything worked out. That's one of my favorite things to do and to help people with. Instead of saying, how is it going to work out? Start to say, everything works out for me in perfect ways because it does! When we get our limiting beliefs out of the way, you see that there are no coincidences, no flukes, and that there is an orchestration that happens because then you're available again, you're saying everything works out for me in perfect ways. Then your mind says, here's a way, here's a way. Here's a way. 

Nancy Rush: 

It's interesting because when you said that that life works out for me in all ways, or something to that effect, in a way that reminds me of an affirmation. That somebody speaking is an affirmation. What I think is the missing piece for many people is when they're creating something like that, is they aren't necessarily looking for the evidence to affirm this new story that they're telling themselves. Right? 

Wanda Vitale: 

Yeah. Which is critical because it's just critical to work with the mind and the body. Maybe affirmations will help some people. Everything helps some people. Sure. Understanding that affirmations will help to crowd out negative self-talk but the way to put everything on speed dial, is you've got to use your body and your mind. When we have proof of the new belief, again, this is just the way it is. We cannot believe two separate things on the same topic. We can't believe we're poor. If we have decided, I'm going to notice for the next three days, all the ways that I am rich. I found a penny. I'm rich. Look at these. We're having fall here where I live in the mountains and these colors, look at all the ways that we experience wealth. Then we've made, I am wealthy, or I am rich, normal. When the old belief comes up, it has no magnetic pull. 

As we put our attention on a different reality, we experience more of it. Whatever we focus on, we get more of. So, then clients come in, money comes in, and then the mind is like, okay, I get it. I'm not in control anymore. This old belief is not, it's just an old belief and it's not true. So, looking for proof and writing it down is the fastest way to shift from a pattern that you don't want to a pattern that you do because the evidence for the new pattern is already there. The way our minds work and our brains, we just can't notice it. We're not open to the insight and ideas that are aligned with our vision when we're in fear. So, as you said when we were talking, we have to go out and ground to talk ourselves down from the ledge. If we need to go, wait a minute, I know what this is. This means I'm getting close to a breakthrough. Fear and excitement are basically the same in the body. They feel the same. They just have a different backstory. 

Nancy Rush: 

That's so interesting. I love that because you're right. They do embody very similar, I don't know, emotions, feelings, whatever you want to say. People think, “I'm going to do all my affirmations and I'm going to set my tone for the day.” Then they go immediately into autopilot, and they stop looking for the evidence to support that because the thing I've found with affirmations is that you have to reframe it for people to say. They're like, well, I want this. And it's like, no, no, no. You have this. Like, because it's all, you have to act as though it's already here. I mean, Florence Scovel Schinn, she was one of the pioneers with that particular theory. You have to believe and act as though it already is happening. Which is to your point, looking for the evidence to support this new story that you're telling yourself to really anchor it into the body and I think a lot of times people just, they're like, okay, I did my affirmations. I'm off. And then, you know, the day takes over.  

Wanda Vitale: 

Bob Proctor was my mentor and before Bob passed and Bob was big on “got it, get it, and write it down on a goal card.” Set an alarm on your phone six times a day. Sink into the vision and know that it's true. We listen, we can believe anything. Look in the world. People believe batshit nutty things. <Laugh>. 

Nancy Rush: 

That's true. <Laugh> 

Wanda Vitale: 

We could be convinced that there are crocodiles under the bed and our money beliefs, or our other beliefs are just the same. They're just patterns. They're not reality. They're just commentary that we learned about reality when we were little. So, when the thoughts come up right, when people are off and running and their old patterning takes over, this is why we have to slow down and go, wait a minute, is this in alignment with me, with the version of me living my vision? No? Then we have to tune into it. I have my clients create a little two second imaginal scene. It's already done. You've got business success, raving fans, emails from people saying, oh my God, you changed my life. The new whatever, the new house, the money, whatever you want, that really makes you feel fulfilled and then turn that into a little two second scene.  

This is what Bob had us do six times a day. Just read your little statement. I'm so happy and grateful now that… fill in the blank and feel it with intense emotion. It goes straight into our unconscious and our unconsciousness must be true. So, I will go and make it true. I learned how to play golf. I'm still terrible at golf. I'm still a horrible golfer because I don't play much. I learned to play golf with my eyes closed. He had taught us to imagine and visualize with our eyes shut. There are studies, I don't remember when this one was done, but there are multiple studies. The one was test groups where they had people do arm curls with weights. You know, arm curls, bicep curls. And one group imagined one group actually lifted the weight and I believe the group that just imagined had a muscle increase of 23% <laugh>. 

That right there tells you the power of the mind. Right? Really and so we have all been in this world of doing work harder, doing more, no pain, no gain. And, you know, I was right there. I mean, I don't even know how I used to function. I wouldn’t sleep at night. I would sleep on airplanes because I, at one point, traveled the country, I don't know how I did it. There are people that are still thinking they have to do it that way. We don't have to do it that way because we could have a belief that if I work with a couple of realtors, we could have a belief that says opportunities and deals with the perfect clients drop into my lap and that's what they experience. I mean, reality is that malleable. 

We understand that it happens through us, through our beliefs, not to us and we can believe anything. We can believe there are crocodiles under the bed, or we could believe that money adores us and would do anything to serve us. I do a little NLP exercise called the Money Chair game. And I'll probably do it in the group for people who sign up for the free gift but it's interesting to see in the exercise, we actually get to see how much of our ancestral and family patterns we have tacked onto money. Then in the end, the last piece of the exercise is what is our higher self? How do we work? How do I, as my personality and money, work together?  

Money was my greatest teacher. For anybody out there listening who thinks, oh, she had an easy life. No, I didn't, my great-grandmother was half Cherokee. Her mother was in the Trail of Tears. My lineage is struggle from immigrants, Irish immigrant farmers. So, money has been my greatest teacher, and I always spend time with people on this idea about money because I believe that many people, many of the new leaders, are listening. You're here to change the money paradigm and there will be new systems with money, but right now we have money. So, I know that if I can change my struggle ideas and that life is hard, feast or famine, that's what I grew up with, that anybody can do it, and it doesn't have to be hard. We don't have to earn anything. 

Nancy Rush: 

This is great. I just love everything that you've talked about, and I think it's really profound and I'm just really appreciative of all of the wisdom that you've shared with everybody. It's been really great. I think your story is a story embodied in feast and famine, but a lot of suffering and you could absolutely live your life through the lens of that because this is something I encounter my work too, is that the impact of the ancestral, the beliefs that come down through the family line are profound. People do not even realize that they are so significantly affected by that. I know in my story, I come from a long lineage of people who were upstarts and ranchers and land barons and robbers and there's a whole thing there. I've had to do a lot of healing, a lot of work around relinquishing all of that old energy that just didn't serve. So, I love that you shared that. I think that's super awesome. Well, we are way over. Let me give you just a minute or two to share your free gift and then I'll let everybody know what mine is and then we can wrap up. 

Wanda Vitale: 

Thank you. So, I am offering a 30 day a 30-day program in a private Facebook group. It's still, I think, the easiest way to, so that people get all the messages I am including. I am including a meditation that anybody can do. I do this with clients. It's about integrating your inner child so that people are no longer living as that child but living as the adult who has that child's back. The first time I did this, I was a mess. It's a recording because so many of us live in our heads, that used to be me, we've never really experienced the energy of the true self or what I would call your higher self. It's who we are beyond our thoughts and reactions and it's really the creative power within each of us. So, there's a meditation in there that's prerecorded. There's a morning routine. Meditation morning is before our heads kick in. It is absolutely the best time to relax and decide what you want your day to be. Most people it's just easy to rush into the day and say, well, I don't have time, but consistency is so important in this process. 

I'm including a replay of a masterclass that I did a couple months ago, and it's called Crack the Abundance Code Masterclass that people can listen to. I go into the nature of the quantum field and how it all works. I'm also including a future self-meditation so that people can learn to connect with their future self because this is where we source action. We don't make anything happen. We know that it's done and then we source inspired action through, call it your inner ego or your higher mind or your future self. William White Cloud wrote a book called The Magician's Way and there's a quote in there that says, “there's nothing to do with lots of action to take.” So, we don't just sit around and go, oh, why isn't anything happening? 

There's action to do but we do it from the vantage point of living from it's done, it's done. So, there's that. Then I'm offering in the live or in the 30 days tools to shift reactive patterns when they come up with a couple of tools to deal with those emotions that I found really work well. They will learn, this is my personal favorite, a self-hypnosis technique that you do for 30 days. This is actually from the Seth material that Jane Roberts channeled in the sixties and seventies, and I have used this. It's how you and I even connected. So, I love this. Anybody can do it. You do it for 30 days and within about two weeks, your life on the outside just changes. We'll have prompts. So that's really just what we've talked about here, prompts so that people can start to be aware of the patterns and then tools to methods to do just what we've talked about today. 30 days is a good place to start, and you will, they will always have access to this. Always go back, but you will learn the process to change anything. Then it's just consistency and two live calls in the 30 days. 

Nancy Rush: 

That's amazing. I mean, I want to do it. That sounds so fantastic. I love it, it's like you packed a chock full of not just theory, but actionable tools and insights that people can really employ. I mean, that's beautifully generous. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I know anybody who listens to this is going to be so ready to do it. 

Wanda Vitale: 

Thank you. We have to put it into action or it's just philosophy. 

Nancy Rush: 

Exactly. So, I'm teaching a masterclass using the ancient art of the 9-Star Ki, which I don't know if you're familiar with it, but it's this very incredible, powerful, yet very simple system that allows people to discover their inner blueprint. One of the things that it does is it also helps to reveal ingrained patterns and themes, strengths, weaknesses, and things that are sort of part of that early programming. We can get to it through the path of the 9-Star Ki. We're going to be spending three days doing this introduction to it, giving people the tools to have greater understanding of themselves and of others in their lives because what I love about the system is it gives us the greater awareness and compassion to interact with people on a more authentic level and have greater understanding of how somebody is wired and why they might react a certain way when you're interacting with them. Then just because it's me, there's going to for sure be some laser coaching and some intuitive insights because I weave that into everything I do. So, it's going to be three chock full days of awesomeness for people to learn about themselves. So that's what I'm offering. 

Wanda Vitale: 

Amazing. I had totally forgotten about 9-Star Ki. I have been on this journey for decades and I totally forgot that. I love that. It's a great help for people to understand. 

Nancy Rush: 

I learned the system; I want to say it's probably going on 10 years ago and it has literally infiltrated every aspect of my life because it is so profound and powerful. My team and I were joking today on our call that I have literally converted them because they love it as much as I do because it just provides that rich insight. So, it's cool that you know about it because It's not a really widely known system. 

Wanda Vitale: 

This would be from decades ago, you know? Decades ago. I've dabbled in just about everything. Before it was really time for me to, for me to walk my talk and put it all together. Yeah. 

Nancy Rush: 

That's beautiful. Yeah. Thanks. I'm looking forward to it. Well, it's been lovely having you. Thank you. Sincerely, I mean, this has just been a fantastic conversation and really valuable. So, thank you so much. 

Wanda Vitale: 

Oh, thank you for having me. I'm just really excited that there is this wave in the world that you can host summits like this, and that people are hungry for this information and really are ready to demystify this thing we call living. 

Nancy Rush: 

I love that. That's the whole reason why I started doing it was because we wanted to create an opportunity to be able to showcase people like you and introduce you to more of the world. Of course, we too but to introduce more. I mean, the speakers that we had at our last summit and the speakers that we have at this one, including you, are just these amazing, fantastic people up to all this really amazing goodness in the world. I love that technology permits us to do it in this way. Thank you everyone for listening.  

Chynna Haas

Chynna is a Web Designer & Business Strategist who loves a good entrepreneurial origin story told over iced coffee.


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