Wanda Vitale

Who Do You Say You Are – the Hidden Key to Success

An Interview with

  • Identity Shift for Success: Wanda explains how our identity, formed in childhood, often shapes the way we experience life. She emphasizes the importance of shifting this identity to experience the results we desire in business and personal life.

  • Re-patterning and Neuroscience: Wanda introduces the concept of “neuronal glue,” which forms old habits and beliefs. Through awareness and consistent practice, this glue can dissolve, allowing new patterns of thought and behavior.

  • Body Integration and Emotional Awareness: Nancy and Wanda discuss how emotions like fear and resistance are stored in the body. By acknowledging and processing these feelings rather than suppressing them, individuals can move through limiting beliefs faster and more effectively.

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Interview Transcript

Nancy Rush: 

Wanda, welcome. Thank you for being here, I'm really excited to share with you with our audience. Let me introduce you by reading your bio. Wanda is a quantum coach, embodiment and identity mentor and founder of the Empowered Empaths. She guides her clients to step out of limitation and unconscious programming and into life and the business designed on their own terms. Her passion is to assist her clients and to step into their soul missions and leadership as they create results that defy logic. Wanda uses her 30 years of experience and personal evolution, spiritual evolution, business management, neuroscience and psychology to support this next wave of leaders for the planet.  

That's lovely. I love that you just bring all of this wonderful experience to, and that you actually are supporting what you call this next wave of leaders, because I really think that that's super cool. I want to talk about something that you sent over in your questions that really intrigued me, and that is this identity, the concept of altering identity or moving through identity to create the results that you want in life. Tell me a little bit about that.