AmyLee Westervelt


Meet one of our featured experts


AmyLee Westervelt

Mystic and Mentor

As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist + Master Neuro-Energetics Practitioner, AmyLee pulls from her extensive knowledge to create powerful coaching experiences for each of her clients.

As the founder of Gratitude and Glamour, AmyLee has the gift to not only see your potential, but she also has the compassion and patience to help nurture your gifts into the world for all to see.

In 2022, AmyLee founded the Erogetics™ Discipline. Through Erogetics, AmyLee helps her clients reconnect to their inner masculine lover so they can create and receive their deepest desires.

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Activating the Divine Blueprint for Abundance

Join AmyLee Westervelt in conversation with Nancy Rush, n2gether Founder/CEO, during the free Pathways to Prosperity Summit.

This free virtual event runs July 22 - 26.

Chynna Haas

Chynna is a Web Designer & Business Strategist who loves a good entrepreneurial origin story told over iced coffee.

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