Adrienne Rivera


Meet one of our featured experts


Adrienne Rivera

Breathwork Facilitator & Founder of Breath of Gold

Adrienne is the founder of Breath of Gold™. She is a world-renowned Breathwork Facilitator and Trainer, and Spiritual Business Coach. She has curated one of the top trauma-informed breathwork certification training programs in the world that features guest lectures from a doctor, neuroscience expert, lawyer, therapist, paramedic and more. 

Adrienne specializes in supporting entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business owners to reach new levels of success through the practice of breathwork. She is also a sought-after speaker, bestselling author, creator of The Breath of Gold™ Journal, and creator of The Breath of Gold™ Oracle Deck. 

Her clients have said things like "that felt like 9 years of therapy in one session!" Adrienne’s upbeat energy, passion for breathwork, and ability to intuitively guide breathwork experiences elevate her classes to a truly exceptional level. She believes that all of the answers that we are looking for can be found within the breath.

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How Breathwork Can Increase Your Impact & Income

Join Adrienne Rivera in conversation with Nancy Rush, n2gether Founder/CEO, during the free Pathways to Prosperity Summit.

This free virtual event runs July 22 - 26.

Chynna Haas

Chynna is a Web Designer & Business Strategist who loves a good entrepreneurial origin story told over iced coffee.

AmyLee Westervelt