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Guidance + Resources
for Your Life & Business
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- 2025 Energy 1
- 5 Elements 7
- 9 Star Ki 1
- Affirmations 1
- Ancestors 1
- Annual Qi 1
- Boundaries 1
- Business Growth 1
- Business Strategy 2
- Business Success 1
- Chinese Medicine 5
- Clarity 1
- Compassionate Leadership 2
- Confidence 1
- Data Management 1
- Decision Making 1
- EMFs 2
- Energetic Wellbeing 1
- Energy Alignment 1
- Energy Clearing 3
- Feng Shui 4
- Ghosts 1
- Highly Sensitive Person 1
- Holistic Business 8
- Holistic Living 14
- Holistic Perspective 1
- Home Harmony 1
- How To 14
- InfoObesity 1
- Intentions 1
- Intuition 18
- Intuition Matrix 1
- Intuitive Insights 2
- Intuitive Strategy 1
- Leadership 1
- Numerology 1
- Period 9 1
- Personal Growth 1
- Practical Tools 1
- Prosperity 1
- Qi 1
- Seasons 6
- Self-Care 1
- Sleep 1
- Space Clearing 3
- Success Mindset 1
- Transformation 2
- Web Design 1
- Zone of Excellence 1
- Zone of Genius 2
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Aligning Your Home and Business with 2025’s Qi
The shifting qi of your home and business directly impacts your success, relationships, and wellbeing throughout the year. Discover how proper feng shui alignment creates a healthy ecosystem that fosters clarity, confidence, and prosperity in every area of your life. By harmonizing with 2025's energy patterns, you can tap into beneficial qi while minimizing challenges that might block your transformation.
Keys to Business Success – Part 2: Demote the Data
Traditional business thinking puts data on a pedestal, but InfoObesity can actually limit your success and slow crucial decision-making. Discover how tapping into your intuition creates a healthy ecosystem where clarity, confidence, and accelerated progress thrive. The Intuition Matrix offers a powerful methodology that bridges the gap between logic and opinion, revealing unseen opportunities and providing unerring guidance for your next right actions.
Aligning Your Home and Business With 2024’s New Qi
Every year some of the energy in our homes and businesses shifts, giving us positive qi that we can tap into to support ourselves and create more harmony in our environments. However, this shift also brings less desirable energy in certain areas that is important to pay attention to because ignoring it can invite misfortune, illness, conflict, financial issues, and more.
Keys to Business Success – Part 1: The Compassionate Leader
Today we’re bringing you a new series, focused on sharing key practices successful companies use to gain market share, improve their bottom line, lead with purpose, and retain the loyalty of their employees and customers. Dig in as we discuss why combining compassion in the workplace with purposeful action is so important.
It’s a New Ballgame – Guidance for Personal and Business Success for the Next 20 Years
February 4, 2024 brings a period transition that represents the last 20 years in the 180-year timeframe. Read for details about the energy of the next 20 years, along with the industries that will thrive, managing your investments accordingly, direction for businesses to make the most of this new energy, and recommendations to navigate the change for the duration so you can thrive.
The Power of Energy Clearing
We are deeply affected by the energy of other people, spaces, technology, and stressors in the earth. As we interact with each one of these things, we come into resonance with their energy which can either support or deplete us.
The Impact of Technology
There is a form of stress that’s taken care of in a space clearing, and that’s known as electromagnetic frequency or fields, aka EMFs.
The Benefits of Feng Shui
Feng shui literally translates to “wind and water” in English. That speaks to the concept of qi, which is the energy or life force that flows within and around us.