Malorie Tadimi Interview Transcript
Nancy Rush:
Well, welcome Malorie. We're glad to have you here to share all of your awesome marketing knowledge with everybody. Let me introduce you by reading your bio. Malorie is an online business coach who went from corporate employee misery…Oh yeah, I know that one…to building a $10 million business and living the life she always dreamed of. She knows what it's like to struggle with confidence, stretch every dollar and juggle a million things at once. But through these challenges, she discovered how to turn her business into a tool of freedom and impact. And now Malorie helps ambitious entrepreneurs build their businesses that generate wealth and give them the freedom to live on their terms while making a real difference. That is really lovely. I think that that's fantastic, and I love that you put the part about making a difference in there, because I think that's so fantastic when somebody has a business that has a purpose that is just greater than creating revenue or bringing in clients. So welcome again, I love what we're going to talk about today. We're going to talk about webinars, right?
Malorie Tadimi:
Yes. We're going to talk about lead generation client acquisition, making it effortless, automating it so you can have more freedom and not be stuck on the same plateau, scrambling, hustling, glued to your phone, or social <laugh> like, no, none of that. You're welcome to use social as much as you want, but we're going to talk about automation here and how it can run in the background. So that way you're getting positioned as an authority. People are getting to know you, they get to see how incredible you are, and it becomes very, very, very easy to get new clients. It's just a repeat thing. And then if you want to do a live launch or something on top of that, again, you're more than welcome to. But most of my clients choose not to and just to let it run in the background.
Nancy Rush:
Yeah, that sounds fantastic. Love that. I'm curious, obviously since we're talking about webinars today, webinars to me are just like one aspect of lead generation that you can do. But tell me why they're so effective, particularly because in this case, it's not that you're just hosting a webinar, you're actually putting the automation in there. So, tell me a little bit about the power of that.
Malorie Tadimi:
Yeah, so the reason I even tried out the webinar funnel back in the day, so I first tried this thing in 2018, And I was at a point in my business where I had started my coaching business in 2015. We're now in 2018, so that's three years. And over three years, I only got three clients.
Nancy Rush:
Malorie Tadimi:
Yes. <laugh> three clients in three years. And then on top of that, it was even more embarrassing because I actually went to business school. It was really embarrassing. And then on top of that, I'm like a powerhouse trailblazer kind of personality. So, the shame <laugh> of starting this business, having people ask me about the business, how's your business going? And it's like, great, thank you, <laugh>.
So, three years, three clients. And I was to the point where I was really going to have to commit to just sticking with corporate, or I was going to have to do something drastically different because what I was doing was not working. And when I discovered this automated webinar method, I called it my million dollar automated webinar method, because it's what turned me into a millionaire. So, when I discovered this, I was like, oh my God, all these clients are coming. I was running a phone call funnel, and I was getting all these sales calls on my calendar. Let me tell you, I never had six calls on my calendar. <Laugh>, <laugh>. And it just started like, like I would wake up and there's like two or three calls on my calendar for that day. I am like, this is bananas. And at the time, I just sold one-on-one coaching, or I was starting to do VIP days to try something new.
Because nobody was buying my one-on-one. And what happened is I started selling all these VIP days and I'm like, hmm, this is interesting. And the clients I was working with on the VIP days are like I found you via a webinar. Can you please teach me how you did this? Because I didn't have to do anything. You just, I, I don't know. You appeared on my social feed. <laugh> You just appeared magically. It was like divine timing. You showed up just at the right time. I watched your webinar at 2:00 AM and then I booked a call for 10:00 AM the next day. Wow. I want to learn that. Because before I was just doing general business strategy because that's what I felt qualified to do as someone who went to business school. And I'm like, hmm, I think there's something to this. And that is when I decided to take that and then turn it into Clients Online, which became my flagship program that I've been running since 2018.
So, then I started using the automated webinar to sell Clients Online. And that is what took me from like nothing <laugh> to $70,000 a month in 30 days from this little automated webinar that was running in the background because I couldn't work that hard. And it just kept going and going and going. So, this whole automated webinar thing, it was basically my Hail Mary, I'm not a big football player, but you know, like when the quarterback is going down, he's about to get tackled and the ball’s in his arm. He is like and he just throws it just because otherwise he's going to get tackled. Anyway, this webinar, this automated webinar was my Hail Mary. It was like, either this is going to work or you're going to have to learn how to light corporate. And that's that.
Nancy Rush:
That's fantastic though. I can't believe that you spent three years and just got three clients. I know plenty of people would've given up long before then. So, your dedication and perseverance were pretty amazing. Let’s talk a little bit about this. Because I love this approach, this idea of automation, because it does take the burden off of constantly needing to iterate. So, tell me a little bit more about sort of like how you do it. What's the system? You know, give me the secret sauce, so to speak.
Malorie Tadimi:
Okay. So, for me, if you guys don't know me, I am strategy, strategy, strategy. I need solid strategy to function. Otherwise, like my soul just can't hold all of this, it's too much for me. It's too heavy, right? So, this strategy stuff has really become a tool for me to get to where I want to go without feeling so burnt out and overwhelmed because I am not someone who can hold that. I know a lot of people who can, fortunately or unfortunately, I don't know. I just, I can't. So, for me, it relieved that overwhelming burden of having to marketing market myself. Like that was huge. So I have a graphic, I'm going to share it. I took this graphic from my client's online program. So I'm going to share you part of my module one, actually. Okay, cool. Can you can see my screen?
So I'm just taking this straight from my module one workbook. So you guys take a screenshot if you want, while I have it up. It's totally fine. Or screenshot or like whatever on your phone, like the, the two buttons you hold to grab it if you're watching it on the phone. So this is the process that I use. And then this is the process that I teach my clients as well, because they want to know like, what did you do to become a seven figure coach? Because I just want to do the same thing and I don't mind sharing because it literally changed everything for me. So I'm very happy to share this with you all, even whatever. It's part of my paid program. So million dollar automated webinar method, I'm going to try to blow it up a little bit more, much better.
So where we start is an ad or a post. So you're going to see that over here. So some of my clients use ads, some of them use organic. This is perfect for people who do not have a very large audience. So if you're someone who has like a million followers, an email list of half a million people, this will work for you. Absolutely. It'll go crazy. But it'll also works really well, which is why I like it. Because I work with a lot of people who do not have a large audience. They might already have clients, they might already just be doing their own thing. Maybe they're doing like summits or they're putting together like live events, like some people do in person stuff. This is for the person who's like doing a lot of work to figure out how to get leads, right?
So this makes traffic easy. When you're new, you don't have traffic, you don't have followers. And when you're not a big influencer, even though you're seasoned, you also don't have traffic and you don't have followers if you're not a big influencer. So we start with ad or a post. What you do you, so it's going to be an ad or organic. Then we go to a registration page. So very much like when you guys registered for this training, you had to enter your email address and then you got sent to a thank you page. So our thank you page right here is our webinar watch page. We don't send them to some fancy webinar software. That's like book a time for two weeks from now. Do you want this time or this time? <Laugh>.
We keep it really simple over here because I like to keep things simple. So we just send them straight. It's a prerecorded webinar. The webinar, I have a specific template for it, so it's super easy to create. But basically just imagine it's a perfect webinar because you're just sitting by yourself recording it. There's no audience, there's no chitchat. You can edit it. So think of it as like maybe you are a musician or you're a singer and you're in studio and you're recording something, versus being live when you're live. So many things can happen. But when you're in studio, it's absolutely perfect. So basically we're taking a studio recording <laugh> of your webinar, and when they register, they just go to the thank you page and they immediately watch it. So they'll be there for about 45 minutes. And this webinar, the messaging we use is very specific.
I call it seven figure messaging. So this messaging specifically targets the top 3% of people who are in buying mode. So at any given time in a market, about 3% of people are ready to buy now. If they don't buy from you, they'll buy from your competitor. Doesn't matter to them. It's like who gets in front of them first and like reaches in here, right? So that's our goal. We want to talk to the top 3%, not the 97%. So we use a proprietary messaging formula on the webinar. So after the webinar, they can click a button below to book a call. So on this book, a call button, we send them to an application page. And that's what you see right here. This goes to an application page. And then on this application page, we ask them a series of questions. One of the questions is super amazing.
I'll share it with you guys that I programmed into the funnel that I give in Clients Online. So this question asks them about their willingness to invest in themselves. So the answers are something like, yes, I'm ready to invest in myself. Or yes, I'm ready to invest and I have the funds. Yes, I am ready to invest and I can access the funds. So like maybe a credit card or they have to borrow it from someone, something like that. Or take it from their 401k or something, or a stock whatever they have. And then the last one is, no, I will not invest in myself. Don't want to invest in myself, whatever. So if they answer no, we send them to a decline page that gently offers them either some type of like cheaper digital product or a free resource or maybe like a free video that you have, right?
So they don't go feeling bad, but then you never end up on the phone with someone who can't pay. And this came out of 2000 calls that we did. We tracked the data and every single human who marked that they do not have the funds to invest in themselves that we took a call with. None of them bought. Yeah. Not a single one. So we started building in this logic <laugh>. So you don't end up on the phone with someone who can't pay you. Then they go to the calendar page if they get accepted. So then they book a call, and then after that they go to a pre-call page where you can share a little bit about your program or how you work with people. Like a homework page where you can prep them, like prep them for the sale, basically when you're on the sales call.
Next the sales call comes, then on the sales call, you collect payment, right on that call. Just a one call close because the webinar has already done the sell selling for you. There is no selling on this call. You're just collecting payment and you know, taking them through the enrollment process. So in your enrollment process, maybe you have a client agreement or you're setting them up for your, their first call, or maybe you have a group program, you're giving them access. Then that payment lands in your bank account. So people ask me, how long does it take? You're usually going to get paid somewhere between 24 and 72 hours, just depending on your payment processor. So, and then you move into fulfillment. So between ad and then getting paid, it's like literally just a couple of days because they see your ad and then they watch your webinar and you're, they're like, oh my God, this is like the go-to authority of exactly what I'm looking for. Oh my God, this is incredible. And then they're booking a call. Well, on the calendar page, we only open up the calendar for 48 hours.
They can't book a call 10 days later. Guess what? If, if you had a calendar like that, no one's going to show up to the call. Yeah. It has to be now while they're in buying mode now. So one day, two day passes, you're already on the phone with them within two days. Right? And then you're getting paid, like, you're literally collecting payment within two days. So this just runs over and over and over and over and over and over again. And this is really meant for premium value offers. So if you're offering some kind of coaching or consulting or some type of service that's usually like 2,500 or above, this is a great method for you. Did I go through it fast enough? This is the million dollar automated webinar method.
Nancy Rush:
<Laugh>. No, it's great. And I love it. Because it's really simple. It's extremely straightforward. You've mapped out like the exact steps. And I have seen this, this method done a little differently with somebody else, but quite successfully. They were, I don't know, multiple seven figures by the time I heard about it. But I'm curious though, do you find that there's kind of a limit to the, the cost of the offer? In other words, the webinar warms them up, it gets them acquainted with you, then they come into the one-on-one, and you can have this fantastic conversation with them. And do you find that there's kind of like a sweet spot for the dollar amount for the offer? Because you know, sometimes it's like if you're, say, if you're like, oh, my offer's 15 grand. Like, I don't know if that's enough warming up to get somebody to commit to that. Or maybe it is. I'm curious.
Malorie Tadimi:
For me, I feel like 15 grand is more moving into like the mastermind price zone. So if you're like, it depends on what your pricing out in your offer, right? I mean, I've been in this coaching space for a long time and I know everything about it. Like I, I don't, I wouldn't, I wouldn't sell that with this funnel. Because I feel like an offer like that is more like bottom of funnel. I guess as we would call it. but more like client lifecycle, bottom of lifecycle. So you would want them in something like a little bit lighter before you moved on to something heavier like that. I mean, you could, there's no stopping you.
But for me and what I've done with this, I've easily sold 5K, I've easily sold 10K. But for me, I have my Clients Online group program, and that's not over 10K. So I really want to focus, like when I'm running this funnel, it's like, let's figure out how to move them into my flagship offer. Your flagship offer really won't be 15, 20, 25K because we're moving into a mastermind price point, right?
Nancy Rush:
That’s what I thought. Because I remember there's some statistic or something that determines like you can move them through a process like then, and then, but there is kind of a cap in terms of like, you, like you said, 5,000, maybe 10,000 that they will commit. It's enough to have them be warmed up and ready to commit to it. But the mastermind, that's a different thing, right? I think one of the first masterminds I ever signed up for, and I spent a lot of money on it, which at the time it was like a lot, but it was over the course of working with this person for three days. So it was like a lot of time with this person to get to know them before they made this, I think it was $15,000 at the time when I did it. That makes sense. So tell me a little more time.
Malorie Tadimi:
No, I was going to say you want more time with them because this is a very top of like, client lifetime. Like think of like the whole lifetime that your client is with you. So we have these terms like top of funnel, bottom of funnel. So like, top of funnel is like your lead magnet, bottom of funnel. Just think of it as like your retargeting stuff. So like in the life of your client, like, this is really good for acquiring new clients. It's great if you have clients that continue to pay you over and over. Yay. You have reoccurring income. But what sucks about that, if there is something that sucks about it, is you're actually plateaued because you need new blood. You need new people coming in constantly. If you want to get off of that income plateau, it's great if you have clients that love you and sing your praises and renew, but that's not actually the secret to scaling.
To get to your next level, right? You need new people. So this system is really great for acquiring new people. So if you have a new person, do you want to put a new person into like your cream of crop premium offer? Like your top level one-on-one or like your top mastermind? No, you're going to put them in like, I don't know, a month long intensive. If it's one-on-one or something like, not something that's too much, or like a VIP day, like a one-off thing or a group coaching program is great for this, right? So that's how I look at it. It's like there's still more, that's why I have Ascension down here, right? You want to get them through this offer. But like before this offer even finishes, we're already talking about the next offer and the journey together and continuing to walk together and to grow together, right?
Nancy Rush:
I think that's fantastic because that's what I find too, is that you need that initial experience of working with them because it then you can go deeper than you can just through the process of a webinar and a sales call. But there is a cultivation that happens where they just, you work with them deeper and deeper and deeper until they do get to whatever your flagship is, whatever that is. So I think that's great. I'm curious though that on you know, we're talking a little bit about automation. One thing that I know that many people have expressed to me is they're a little bit uncomfortable with the technology. So in the process of automating this, is this relatively straightforward to automated process like this? Or are there complications that someone would have to consider there?
Malorie Tadimi:
There are extreme complications.
Nancy Rush:
Okay. Good to know.
Malorie Tadimi:
<Laugh>. So to solve this, remember I've been teaching Clients Online since 2018. Like this has been the bane of my existence because I'm working with like all these women, thousands of women have gone through this program with me. And it's like, every time I just ask myself, how can I make this easier? How can I make this easier? Because as sad as it is, tech is the number one thing that holds women back after limiting beliefs. So what I figured out how to do, it's like technology finally met up with like what I had in my brain <laugh>, because for a couple years the, the technology just wasn't there. But now it's here. So I've actually prebuilt everything for my clients that come in. So now they don't have to do the tech, they just click like a button that says download. And I did it all for them, including the copy. Like I wrote the webinar for them, they just of course like have to put in their messaging for their niche. Like, you're not going to want my niche, but I rewrote the whole, whole webinar. I rewrote all the email sequences, I prebuilt the funnel. So it's as easy as possible. Literally. So that, that has helped tremendously. Tremendously. It is hard. You’re not going to figure this out on your own. Like good luck if you're trying.
Nancy Rush:
It’s hard because there's so many different tools out there. Even in our process with our company in terms of automating our functions and creating our CRM and stuff. I mean, we went through some big hurdles trying to figure out a platform that would work for us. And even then when we finally found the platform, it wasn't exactly easy to just implement it. So I think it's awesome that you've just created this whole streamlined, here's from the beginning to the end, plus all the copy and everything. Because I have a friend of mine who, she's an entrepreneur and she's trying to launch a coaching business, but the technology is exactly what gets in her way every single time. She's completely intimidated by it. And I don't think she's alone. Like if I didn't have somebody working for me that was helping with the technology, I think I wouldn't be, I would be completely intimidated by it too. You know?
Malorie Tadimi:
Yeah, of course. So somebody like you, this would not have worked out for you <laugh> if technology hadn't caught up. Like there's so many people that are like this. I mean, I was like that too. But I was so stubborn in wanting to figure this out. I learned it because I promise you, they didn't teach me this in business school. <Laugh> Business school was like, here's how to read a profit and loss statement. Here's how to do accounting. It was not anything like this.
As you can imagine, I was in a lot of pain after only getting three clients over three years like crying multiple times a week. Just beating this drum in my head that nobody wants to work with me. That's the thing I kept saying to myself, nobody wants to work with me, nobody wants to work with me, nobody wants to work with me. And it's crazy. It's just, I didn't have the right messaging and I didn't have a traffic source because I didn't have followers. So no one knew who I was. So, once I fixed the traffic problem, I was able to hone in on my messaging. Because I could test a bunch of things because now I had traffic. There's no way I could have mimicked that sheer volume of traffic to get it figured out with organic. It would've been impossible.
Nancy Rush:
And to that point, do you think that it's doable through organic? Or do you really think that paid ads needs to be a part of the process?
Malorie Tadimi:
Depends on how fast you want to go. If you have a couple years, then organic by all means organic because then you don't have to deal with ads, whatever. If you have a couple years, like let's just say you want to reach seven figures, pick a goal, it's going to take you a couple years. If you're posting like daily and you're doing all the lead generation organic things, including like podcasts, summits, joint trainings, like you have to utilize all of that if you want to get the volume to hit the numbers that you want.
Nancy Rush:
Yeah, exactly. So I'm curious, the paid advertising game is a little bit daunting for at least for me, and I'm sure it is for many people. I did dabble in that at one point. And what I found was is that I wasn't bringing in my ideal clients. I was attracting people and people were giving their, submitting their emails and stuff, but they weren't really my audience. And so I'm curious, like how do you navigate that whole world of paid advertising? And I think I know what you're going to answer is going to be, but for somebody starting out that's like, I don't have two years to create the traffic, I need to create traffic now. How can they do it in a, not blow a ton of money on it? And also then bring in the people that, that, that really truly are aligned with what they're offering.
Malorie Tadimi:
Yeah. So I'm sure you know the answer is messaging. So for me, I just have a seven figure messaging framework. Like I told you all a little bit about it. I share it in Clients Online. I'm not going dig into that today because that wouldn't be fair to all the clients that have in Clients Online. But yeah, it's just, it's really specifically targeting the people who are ready to buy now. Mm-Hmm. So, if we're getting a bunch of people that I have to think about it, I have to ask my husband, I don’t know how much money's in my bank account. Can I call you back later? Like if you're getting, these are real objections. If
Nancy Rush:
You're, they are real object. I'm laughing because I, if I have had encountered those a hundred percent Yeah.
Malorie Tadimi:
It's like, how do you not know how much money you have? Like, okay, I'll hang on right here for five minutes while you log into your account and look <laugh>, like, right. <Laugh>. But those people are not in the top 3%. They're not your dreamy ideal clients. Those are in the 97%. So those are the ones that they're not going anywhere anytime soon. So if you're talking to them, I'm not surprised that you're plateaued or you're not reaching your next level. I'm not surprised. So it's really about super sharp messaging that positions you in an absolute authority way. But also like messaging is not just words. Messaging is in the way that you look, the way that you carry yourself, the way that you speak your tonality, how grounded you are, how confident you are your conviction within. So there's a lot to do with messaging. <Laugh>, I actually teach it in module one. This workbook is 101 pages.
Nancy Rush:
Wow. <laugh>
Malorie Tadimi:
For module one it's very messaging heavy because if we're going to do this thing <laugh>, like your messaging has to be on point. I wouldn't be surprised if your ads failed if you didn't have me teaching you messaging. I wouldn't be surprised at all. Because then you just have these ad guys that are running your ads, they don't know, they don't know how to sell coaching, they don't know how to position coaching. They're just dudes clicking buttons. Like that's the secret to really getting ads to work. And the algorithm on Facebook right now is like very impressive. I would say between 2020 and 2021, summer of 2022, the algorithm was having issues, like ads were super expensive. I ran my first ad in 2016, so I've been doing it for a while. So 2020 to 2022, if you tried ads also, or anyone listening within that timeframe and you didn't see results, I'm not surprised.
Nancy Rush:
Okay, that makes sense because that's when I ran my ads.
Malorie Tadimi:
Exactly what they have. But also messaging too. But if your messaging was like perfect and ideal and you still saw like really expensive leads coming in and not the acquisition numbers you want, just know that the algorithm was going through some growing pains. <Laugh>. I think technology caught up with meta or meta caught up with technology. I don't know which way we want to put it, but it's basically an AI monster now. But like, in a good way, <laugh> not like a scary monster, like a cuddly bear monster. <Laugh>, like <laugh> Monsters University monsters. It’s incredible. It's a machine. And now it is so predictable the way that they've changed it. Like it, it's a dream. Let's just say I've been able to get $1 leads of like trailblazing powerhouse women. Where if it was like between 20 and 22, it would be like the people that are like on the down and outs, like, you know, in marketing, how it's like you can talk to the people who are really struggling and they're stuck and they're in a bad place.
Or you could talk to the people that are going from good to great. I prefer to have the people that are going from good to great on my list and in my programs because those, the people who are getting, get massive results. If they're on the struggle bus and they're not already good, then they need to work on themselves and do all those other things first before, you know. So what I found is I was able to get the good to great people probably like 2022 and beyond. Like now, it's amazing. I don't even know, obviously no one knows what the algorithm like programming is, but I will say what they're doing, I will speak very highly of it, but I'm not afraid to speak very low of it either. Like 2020 to 2022. It’s just, it's super honest because I just sit there and I watch the numbers. Not just my own, but you know, my clients too. I'm exposed to the numbers constantly. So I just see what's working and not working.
Nancy Rush:
That’s really interesting. And I'm glad that you brought that up about the algorithm. Because I just, like I said, my whole experience was, it just felt really hard. And, it also worked with people who truly didn't understand my messaging and what I was offering, that made yet another challenge too in it. I like this idea that you talk about messaging is just more than the actual words. It's how you show up, it's how you present yourself. It's the confidence. Are you grounded? All of those things. Because I think people tend to compartmentalize and they think of messaging as just being the words, but there's an energetic to get a little bit, little tiny bit woo about it. There's an energetic resonance that goes with those words and it's coming from you. So if you don't have your act together in terms of like, feeling okay to be visible, you know, feeling okay that you're grounded, you, you're clear about what your mission is and what you're offering that's going to bleed through into those words and then it will actually repel. I think that's pretty much what you're saying when you're talking about messaging being bigger than just the words. Right?
Malorie Tadimi:
Oh yeah. Way bigger. And then you also want to appeal to premium buyers at the same time. So that's a whole other twist on it because even if everything feels perfect for you, but it's not resonating with the people that have the purchasing power, you're still in trouble.
Nancy Rush:
Totally, totally. Well, I would love just to ask one last question, and that is, you've had quite the journey <laugh>, three years, three clients. I still can't believe that, that you stuck it out. Amazing. But you know, we talked earlier about how the entrepreneurial journey is a bit bumpy at times, right? Challenges come up where you don't get clients and stuff. How did you keep your mindset? I know you had your moments, right? We all do. But how did you keep your mindset and keep that perseverance and determination that you were going to figure it out until you actually did? What did you do to keep yourself aligned and committed during that, that timeframe?
Malorie Tadimi:
You know, I just kept thinking, honestly, it sounds silly about how bad it would be if I stayed in corporate. Yeah. Like, I would just have like visions of, I'm 38 now, but when I started to figure this out, oh, I was probably like 30. Okay, so imagine a 30-year-old and I'm envisioning being 60 years old, sitting in the same cubicle with like the same crabby coworkers that complain about everything. And I hear them on the other side of the cubicle, like complaining about this, complaining about that. And you know, you can hear them over the, like, I just had this like, flash in front of my eyes of what my life was going to be like in 30 years if I gave up. And trust me, that was enough to keep me going for three clients over three years. Like, it was that bad because I felt like in corporate, I always felt like I was in a box and like the lid was being like, shoved down on top of me by my boss and the other people around me because I was bright, I had ideas, I was energetic. I'm a bit of a trailblazer, you know? And they can see that, but trailblazers are not a good thing in corporate. They're a very bad thing.
Nancy Rush:
No they're not. <Laugh>,
Malorie Tadimi:
Bad, bad, bad <laugh>, like get back into your spot. So I just couldn't imagine living in this like coffin, like buried alive basically for the next 30 years. I knew that I had so much more to do in this world. I didn't know how it was going to happen, but I had to keep going to figure it out. And as I said, it came to the point where it was like, I really need to focus on the next level of my corporate career because this isn't working. So then that's when I was like, well, let me just try this one last thing because I think it would solve my traffic problem because I'm really not in front of very many people because I don't have an audience. I don't have followers. I don't have an email list. No one knows who I am. I'm a nobody literally.
So I was just kind of thinking because I don't know, I was thinking like a bottleneck. Like think of this as like one giant bottle, right? And we're looking for like, where we're stuck. <Laugh>, I was stuck here. I wasn't even getting down here <laugh>. Right? It wasn't like, oh no, Malorie, your sales calls aren't closing. You have a sales problem. I wasn't even getting a call. Right? So the bottleneck was here. So I just started to think, like I said, I'm all about strategy. Okay, well if I can't even get beyond here, so how can I solve traffic issue to get beyond here? Because then maybe I can figure out if I'm just maybe bad when people talk to me on the phone or something. I don't know.
Nancy Rush:
Malorie Tadimi:
So, I just had to start at square one.
Nancy Rush:
I'm really glad you're addressing this because I think this is the number one problem that I encounter with people that I meet that are, are starting their entrepreneurial journey. Or maybe they're midway through, but they’re frustrated because they can't get the visibility. Because things are loud out there, you know, social media and all that. And so I think what you're addressing here, this very fundamental need of how do you get people, how do you get in front of people and you're doing it in a way that's very structured. And because of the automation, it's not this constant like, I think back to the old days of sales where they were cold, they had teams that were cold calling, like, how awful would that be? You know, this terrible job.
And so this is a way to reach people. And then I love the fact that you're positioning that we're, you're looking for the people that are essentially ready to buy, like all the other riffraff, so to speak. It's not that they aren't important, but that's not really where you want to focus your time and attention. I did a sales call, I don't know, it was a few weeks ago, and I knew the second I got on the call that they were never going to buy. I just knew it. And I went ahead and did the call and gave them value and all of that. And, it was fine. But I was like, man, I would much rather spend my time working with somebody who's like, they get it and they're ready to buy. You know?
Malorie Tadimi:
Yeah. I mean even just the logic on the application page would've filtered that person out for you.
Nancy Rush:
Malorie Tadimi:
Remarked that they're ready to invest.
Nancy Rush:
Exactly. So I've definitely gotten some takeaways from this conversation for myself too, because you're right, if I had had an application rather than just automatically allowing them to book the one-on-one call, I could have saved myself an hour. You know?
Malorie Tadimi:
Yeah. And then at the same time, like it's about energetics, right? So when we're available to everyone, how exclusive are we? Not very.
Nancy Rush:
Right. Right.
Malorie Tadimi:
You're just literally like, here's my calendar. Anyone can book. And that doesn't, this is messaging <laugh>. This is nonverbal messaging, right? Like what does that tell people when you just have this open calendar and you're not picky about who gets on it.
Nancy Rush:
Yeah, a hundred percent. There will always, and there's an application in my future and it will always be there from now on thanks to this conversation. So thank you for that, <laugh>.
Malorie Tadimi:
You're welcome. You're welcome.
Nancy Rush:
Well, this has been fantastic. I would love for you to talk about your free gift because I think it's a really great one.
Malorie Tadimi:
Yeah. Let me pull it up. It's a free course I actually have for you guys, so I'm sure she'll give you the link. But it's course. Trying to keep it simple right here. So it's called Scale for Coaches. This is an actual three hour training I did. It's a full three hours. Get ready, take lots of notes, bring a giant notebook, get ready, sit down and watch it. So we really focus on getting clear, like the graphics says, getting clear so you can create and package and sell, like coaching courses, digital products, masterminds, retreats, books, physical products, speaking, consulting, done for you services. So we're covering it all, which is why it's three hours. <Laugh>
Nancy Rush:
<Laugh>. Well that sounds amazing though. I mean, that's beautiful. You're always so generous in your gifts. I just love it. Thank you for that so much.
Malorie Tadimi:
You're welcome. I think everyone's going to enjoy it.
Nancy Rush:
Cool. Well the free gift that I'm offering is I'm going to be teaching a three day masterclass on the ancient art of the 9-Star Ki. I don’t know if you've ever heard of 9-Star Ki. But it's a really simple, yet very powerful system that's been around for a very long time. And what it does is it helps people to discover and understand their inner blueprint. And what's lovely about it is that it helps them identify how they're wired, their patterns, their strengths, their weaknesses. And it gives you beautiful insight into relationships with other people and how you can communicate more effectively with them and understand them better. So it's a really profound system. It infiltrates absolutely everything I do. I discovered it a number of years ago and I just love it so much. And everybody that I come across that gets exposed to it, <laugh>, I end up converting them all to it because it's so incredibly powerful, but yet easy to understand. You know, astrology's fantastic, but it's complicated. This is not that. So we'll be doing a three day masterclass that's an introduction to that. And then of course, because it's me, there's going to be intuitive insights and some strategic coaching and it'll go hand in hand with all of that. So that's what we're offering. Fun.
Malorie Tadimi:
Nancy Rush:
Well, this has been great, Malorie. Thank you so, so much. I appreciate you and I know our viewers are just going to have an awesome time listening to this interview. So thank you.
Malorie Tadimi:
Thanks for hanging out with us everyone, and I'll see you next time.