Gitte Winter Graugaard


Meet one of our featured experts


Gitte Winter Graugaard

Mental Health Provider

As a young freelance strategic and creative communication consultant, Gitte has navigated the corporate world, delivering her assignments. She couldn't help analyzing the different working environments with a keen intuition that sparked questions about our work habits. With a passion for understanding people, she has pursued degrees in life mastery coaching, mindfulness, meditation, personal development, futuristic trends, and healing. 

As a dedicated young mother, Gitte has focused her expertise on helping parents nurture their children's growth and well-being with a special focus on sleep. Her bestselling sleep books on heart meditation and mindfulness have been translated into multiple languages and sold in over 20 countries. Her teaching has been recognized with awards, and she continues to share her knowledge and insights with a wide international audience, also giving a TEDx talk.

As her own children have grown into their teenage years, Gitte has returned to corporate settings now as a freelance Mental Health Provider, offering guidance and support at all levels of organizations. She leads classes on mindfulness, meditation, mental health, sleep, daily rituals, resilience, creativity, flow, and various other topics, while also providing personalized coaching sessions.

Gitte is the founder of the "Heartlight Institute," helping teachers to teach and practice heart-brain coherence in schools. She is a co-founder of "Club Cocreation," an international community of mental health professionals, healers, psychologists, health experts, artists, teachers, and life coaches working together to support and guide individuals in their journey toward healing and transformation. Her community convenes at retreats, online meetings, and conventions.

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Sleep More – Achieve More!

Join Gitte Winter Graugaard in conversation with Nancy Rush, n2gether Founder/CEO, during the free Pathways to Prosperity Summit.

This free virtual event runs July 22 - 26.

Chynna Haas

Chynna is a Web Designer & Business Strategist who loves a good entrepreneurial origin story told over iced coffee.

Gaby Kowalski


Kimberly Maska