Isabelle Meiring
The Hidden Blueprint of the Truly Prosperous Woman: Redefining Success
An Interview with
Redefining Wealth for Women: Isabelle discusses how traditional views of wealth focus on acquisition and achievement, often at the cost of a woman’s feminine energy.
Zero-Point Circuit of Feminine Leadership: Isabelle introduces the concept of the "prosperous circuit" in her Gates of Heaven method, explaining how women thrive when their work simultaneously nourishes them, without effort or depletion.
Breaking Free from Masculine Leadership Models: Nancy and Isabelle reflect on how women often adopt masculine behaviors in business to fit into patriarchal systems.
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Interview Transcript
Nancy Rush:
Isabelle, welcome. I'm very excited to have you here today, and I cannot wait to share everything you and I've been talking about with our audience. Let me introduce you first by reading your bio. Isabelle is an author, metaphysic, I cannot say this word, meta physician, right?
Isabelle Meiring:
Physician, yeah. <Laugh>
Nancy Rush:
Teacher and leading mentor to phenomenal women ready for whole life liberation. For 14 years, she has mentored thought leaders, high achievers and true seekers into unparalleled levels of connection, love, wealth, and impact using her signature approach, the Gates of Heaven method. We definitely need to talk about that.