Struggling with Sleep? The Feng Shui Pillowcase Hack You Need to Know!


I’ve been practicing feng shui for more than 20 years now and I am always amazed at how the simplest of things can make the biggest difference in people’s lives. 

I did a feng shui consult for a client many years ago who struggled with insomnia. One of the key recommendations I gave her was to change her white pillowcase to a black one. 


In feng shui there is a concept called the ming gua. It defines our external persona and how our energy interacts with our environment (and others too but for the purpose of this post, we’ll stay focused on the environment).  

When we sleep at night our ming gua interacts with the qi (energy) that resides in the wall we sleep against.  

If it is supportive energy, we will likely rest well. But if it is not, we can struggle with falling and staying asleep and feeling rested when we wake up.

Changing the client’s pillowcase to a black one brought Water element to her ming gua, which was Wood. Because Water nurtures Wood, we added a harmonious and supportive qi to help her rest more easily. 

The end result? She told me a few days later that she was sleeping better than she ever had before!

The beauty of this tip is that you don’t need to know what the qi is in the wall that you sleep on or change all of your bedding. You only need to sleep on a pillowcase that is the right color for you!

This goes for young children too. If they are too young to have a pillow, simply have them sleep on the right color sheet for their mattress.  

Every person I’ve shared this tip with tells me they sleep better and more deeply. I’d love to do the same for you.

If you’d like to know what your ming gua is and the color of the pillowcase you should sleep on, simply complete the form below. With your birthdate, we’ll calculate your ming gua and send it to you! 

Sweet dreams!



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