Get to Know Us: Chynna Haas
n2gether is made up of some extraordinary people! To help you get to know them better, we’ll be adding a series of posts that showcase each person’s talents as well as some fun facts about them.
In our first interview, n2gether Founder/CEO Nancy Rush interviews Chynna Haas, our Business Guide & Technology Specialist.
We hope you enjoy getting to know Chynna!
NR: Why do you believe that intuition is such a valuable tool?
CH: In my experience, intuition is your ultimate truth. It's that inner knowing. It's the things that you know without having to know. It isn’t how you were conditioned to think or believe, or what your parents thought or what you learned in school. It’s taking all the layers and all the conditioning away and relying on an inner feeling of I know this, this is what I believe, this feels right.
And so, on my journey intuition has been a compass for me. As a child I was very intuitive, but I didn’t really have the language to express it. I just had a knowing and I always had a yes or no, do this or don’t. It was a clear connection that provided a knowing without having to rely on anyone else to tell me what to do. So, when I work with clients it is stripping away the layers of noise and helping them come into a relationship with their intuition, which is the ultimate truth and guidance.
NR: What is it like learning to use your intuition?
CH: I always equate using your intuition to being like a muscle. Just as you would exercise a muscle you can train yourself in how to use intuition. And the more you use it, the stronger and clearer it becomes. When I first started working with clients, I was very focused on keeping my intuitive work separate from my marketing work. But Spirit was very adamant that they were the same thing, and I was separating things for no reason.
So, I had to figure out how to work with the clients that were very logic-based and help them understand how valuable using intuition in the work was. We can look at the trends, data, and algorithms – these are all things that are real and matter, but we can also add intuition to the mix for a greater understanding and knowledge that isn’t data-based but just as valuable. So, it becomes not ooh, let’s stop and put our intuitive hat on, but rather a blend of having the conversation and it gets to have equal footing and power to what the analytics are staying.
NR: What is it like to create something like a website with intuition and guidance from Spirit leading the way?
CH: It’s taken me some time to fine tune how to work in this way. When I first started doing websites I was focused on the technology and what it could do. So, in that era I designed websites that were somewhat visually appealing and functional, but probably not the best. Now, as a designer I incorporate creativity, strategy, and intuition and let all three pull up a chair to the table when I’m designing. When I’m working in this way, I focus on getting the aesthetics right first. That’s the colors, the flow of the website. The goal is to have all the components singing in harmony together. Then I incorporate the more earthbound aspects such as the strategy, platform, and technology and then it all just comes together. But the key is allowing the intuition and guidance to drive how the website looks and feels.
It’s like you're making like your famous, most delicious batch of cookies. There’s an order to how the ingredients are added so you get the right consistency, texture, and flavor. With a website the visuals lead the way and once that’s in place, energetically everything opens, and the strategy just flows.
And then it’s obvious where we need a form, or we need text in a certain place, and a button here. The rest of the design just moves quickly in that kind of more strategic sense because intuition goes through and carves the path of where to go and how things should flow.
It's an interesting way to approach work, leading with intuition rather than sort of leading the traditional way that you would design a website. This is part of what we’re doing at n2gether – we’re introducing people to the fact that there’s a different way to go about business and it’s very powerful.
NR: What is your Zone of Genius?
CH: It’s taken some time to hone in and figure out what my zone of genius is. I think this is the case for many entrepreneurs who must wear a lot of different hats. In my case, I can do a lot of different things – websites, business strategy, social media, technology, and more. But I’ve come to realize that my “secret sauce” or my zone of genius is my ability to bring intuition and guidance to the mix and see all the different moving parts that are needed to help someone create what they want to put into the world and have the impact they’re meant to have.
I’m also able to look at the things they’ve already done or invested in and how those could be optimized for their business. I combine this with the intuitive knowing of what they really need so, it’s figuring out the perfect blend for them – making sense of what they have, what’s in the marketplace in terms of technology, tools, and systems, and then bringing in intuition of what they need, and layering all this together. So, here are the actual pieces you need, the pieces you don't need, and then here is the way they’re going to flow together. It's like being a very skilled mechanic, a car whisperer, that just knows exactly what a car needs. They can figure out what’s needed when everyone else is stuck.
NR: What are some fun facts we don’t know about you?
CH: I really, really, really love bingo. I love going to a VFW or Legion and playing bingo with the best of the 80-year-olds out there.
When I was in college, I was a waitress at a Cracker Barrel, and I got a bunch of the other waitresses involved in the local VFW because you could play bingo every night of the week. It got so bad that we all got in trouble for requesting time off at the same time. I was so into it I made myself a bingo bag. I got some Elvis Presley fabric and sewed it onto a tote bag. And I used some fabric puff paint to make different bingo images on the bag too. So, I’d show up to bingo with my cool bag and my whole system of how I’d play.
I also really love a good cakewalk – the kind when you go to a small town or school carnival and pay 50 cents or a dollar and you get to walk around in a circle and if you land on the right number, they give you a cake. They used to do it at my school dances. I never danced, I just did the cake walk all night and brought all my goodies home when my parents picked me up.
So basically, I love all the weird quirky small-town stuff. Festivals, cakewalks, bingo – those are my jam.
Want More?
Do you feel called to step onto your path as an entrepreneur but aren’t sure where to start? Is your business not flourishing or growing the way you’d like? Do you feel like you’re struggling to find new clients, onboard the clients you have, or actually run the day-to-day of your business? Then consider working with Chynna.
She offers Personal Entrepreneur Session, along with Technology Assessments and Business Assessments all designed to support you at every stage of your entrepreneurial journey and each milestone of your business growth.