Aligning with the Seasons - Part 3

Late Summer – Time to Enjoy

Each season brings change and an opportunity to step into alignment with a powerful flow of energy that can support us in a profound way. Tapping into this energy and following its guidance can bring greater balance, wellness, and vitality in all aspects of our lives.  

In traditional Chinese Medicine, Late Summer (mid-August to the Autumnal Equinox - 9/22 this year) is recognized as its own season, bridging the gap between the expansiveness of Summer and the more inward energies of Fall and Winter. It is a time to enjoy the harvest and all of its bounty and celebrate. This transition between seasons also offers a time to reboot, reflect, and prepare for the impending shift in energy, which is essential given the fast pace of Summer! 

Late Summer is a transitional period, as the active (yang) energy of Summer begins to ebb while the more passive, inward (yin) energy of Autumn begins to take over. Represented by Earth element, Late Summer is all about self-nourishment, and creating greater stability and security by grounding ourselves. It is a time of reaping the rewards of earlier efforts in your life, much like the harvesting of crops which occurs at this time.  And it is a time of acknowledging your “wins” rather than bypassing them to move on to the next.  

“Just as the Earth element provides a nurturing foundation for the plants to grow and flourish, so too can we use this season to cultivate our own health and vitality.”

– Sydney Herbst

Represented by the spleen and stomach, Earth element encourages us to create greater balance and harmony in our lives through good nutrition and self-care. Cooked and warm foods rather than cold or raw foods are ideal right now.  

The supportive loving of Earth energy also teaches us the importance of navigating life in a grounded way. As the energy shifts toward cooler months, this is a perfect time to go with, reflect on the accomplishments you’ve achieved, and do some inner work. Tools such as meditation, gentle exercise, and qi gong can help us maintain our equilibrium no matter how crazy life gets.  

One of the key emotions associated with Earth element is worry. We can find ourselves easily tipping into rehashing the challenges and stressors in our lives at this time, feeding into ingrained behaviors such as the Victim or Martyr. While worry can be quite satisfying (giving your Monkey Mind endless delight in the activity) it actually has no value. Worrying doesn’t give us the ability to change anything; in fact, it just keeps us stuck.  

In TCM, the spleen and stomach are responsible for our digestive health and regulating our immune system and blood circulation. Engaging in worry and anxiety not only increases our day-to-day stress but also weakens our spleen and stomach.  

The key here is to recognize that because worry is a part of this timeframe, it will be more readily available and sneak into your thoughts. Breaking the habit of worrying is something that takes practice, but it can be done. It starts with simply recognizing that you’ve tipped into a cycle of worry, regrouping, and then choosing to focus on something more positive and useful. Think of this as a practice of being in the flow – as you move through your day worry may show up to derail you and you simply course correct.  

To further support yourself during this season, here are some suggested activities. You don’t need to do all of them, just pick the ones that appeal the most to you. 

  • Add touches of yellow or brown to your wardrobe or environment. 

  • Choose ways to exercise that are gentle on your body. 

  • Don’t deprive yourself of food – eat nourishing meals that are satisfying.  

  • Make your home as comfy and cozy as possible. 

  • Cultivate self-kindness and acceptance. 

  • Take time to ground yourself regularly. 

  • Spend a few minutes each day, really feeling into being happy and contented. 

  • Cultivate some sweetness in life, bringing in more enjoyment and pleasure. 

  • Avoid refined sugar and instead choose naturally sweet food. 

  • Support your immune system through supplements or treatments such as acupuncture or craniosacral therapy. 

  • Have meals with family or friends. 

Late Summer invites you to really embrace self-care in all its forms. It is a perfect time to find support emotionally, energetically, and physically. Sometimes Earth element can have us think we need to do it all on our own – but that is the complete opposite of embracing this supportive energy! 

When you align your behavior, diet, and mindset with the energy of Late Summer, you are actively cultivating a centered state of wellbeing. Breathe into this wonderful energy and the many gifts it has to offer you.  


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If you’re looking for a way to break through whatever is limiting or holding you back, consider doing an Intensive. Designed specifically to clear out trapped energy and limiting beliefs, an Intensive is a powerful way to support yourself – energetically, emotionally, physically, and mentally.


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