Aligning with the Seasons - Part 1
“Living in harmony with the rhythm of nature is not a new practice, but it has been forgotten in our fast-paced, urban lives.
With the turn of each season, our body wants to mimic the process that nature is experiencing. When we are in sync with this rhythm, we have more energy and are more productive, happier, and peaceful.”
– Morgan Garza
Each season brings change and an opportunity to step into alignment with a powerful flow of energy that can support us in a profound way. Tapping into this energy and following its guidance can bring greater balance, wellness, and vitality in all aspects of our lives. As we enter late Spring, we are in a time of new growth and creativity, as evidenced by Nature in full bloom.
Spring not only sweeps away the stagnation of Winter but provides a perfect time to tap into the energy it brings of optimism, to empower you to re-envision what you want in your life and let go of that which no longer serves you to begin anew.
“Now is the time to free yourself by energetically cleaning house. Just do it!
Make room for the miracles that are lining up for you.”– Colette Baron-Reid
There is a card in Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Oracle deck that perfectly describes the task before us in Spring: Clean It Up. This card speaks to the need to sweep away what is no longer needed so that we can be ready to embrace Summer and all of its many gifts. This might be clutter around the house, relationships that need to be reassessed, coming to terms with unresolved emotions such as anger, resentment, and overwhelm, and addressing your health.
In Chinese medicine, Spring is represented by the lush green of Wood element. Much like the trees around us, Spring is a time for us to reach outward, develop deeper roots, and remain flexible in the wind which brings change. Represented by the time of the early morning, Wood element represents new beginnings, giving us the ability to tap into Wood’s vision, focus, and direction, to spark new ideas and take action.
In the body, the Wood element is connected to our liver, gallbladder, and eyes, all important to support during this time. From an emotional standpoint, Wood element is expressed by anger and the act of shouting. During this time, you may get angry or tip into judgment more easily. Do your best to stay in the flow and not get stuck in anger or resentment.
To fully embrace the energy of this season, here are some suggested activities. You don’t need to do all of them, just pick the ones that appeal the most to you.
Create a vision board
Take action and stay active
Get organized
Garden and do yard work
Fix or build things
Learn something new
Create a health plan
Eat simply and cleanly
Put yourself in nature
Exercise and do it regularly
Get linear – go from point A to point B
Wear the color green
Speak up for yourself
Bring wood elements into your home – add green, plants, upright rectangular items, or artwork with green or trees in it.
The most important thing to do in Spring is to immerse yourself in the energy of optimism, vision, creativity, and taking action. Spring is all about forward motion, setting us up to reap the harvest of Summer.
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If you’re looking for a way to break through whatever is limiting or holding you back, consider doing an Intensive. Designed specifically to clear out trapped energy and limiting beliefs, an Intensive is a powerful way to support yourself – energetically, emotionally, physically, and mentally.