Embodied Leadership Development

You need a trusted partner.

Today having the ability to make decisions quickly and decisively in a fast-paced world is critical. But there's a lot of noise that can get in the way causing confusion, uncertainty,an inability to accomplish your goals and grow the business. In this case people often tell us that they feel stuck and often unable to identify the root causes of the issues they're experiencing.

When this happens you need a trusted partner that can bridge the gap and help you identify the problems standing in your way. If you want to:

  • Attract the right kind of clients and more of them

  • Increase revenue and grow the business

  • Create a greater work-life balance

  • Handle change with grace and ease

  • Improve team dynamics and employee retention

  • Make informed decisions with clarity and confidence

  • Easily navigate challenging problems and complex situations

  • Reclaim your joy and enthusiasm for the business

  • Or reduce stress and anxiety

Then n2gether may be a perfect fit for you.

A Unique Approach

Based on more than 14 years of experience, n2gether offers a unique approach to facilitating problem solving, breakthroughs, and significant growth for businesses and entrepreneurs.

We accomplish this through a proprietary methodology that is a fusion of the intuitive arts, business savvy and expertise, and specific tools that facilitate transformation and growth. We are especially adept at helping businesses identify and resolve the hidden obstacles that are limiting their ability to achieve the vision and success they seek.

Our focus and goal are to help you create a healthy ecosystem in which the company and everyone in it thrives.

  • Assessment

    An in-depth analysis of your organization that identifies problem areas and issues preventing you from creating the success you desire.

  • Holistic Business Solution

    A custom solution tailored to your organization's needs that addresses every aspect of the business with the goal of creating a healthy ecosystem so that the business thrives.

  • Discovery Call

    A discovery call is the perfect way to get to know us and have your questions answered. On the call we’ll take stock of where you’re at, the support you’re looking for, and how we can help.

From Our Clients

  • “Nancy has been instrumental in helping my business choose a beneficial location, and in giving recommendations on design to maximize the feng shui aspects of our space. In addition, the clearings and intuitive guidance she has provided over the last three years has been a huge benefit in helping us make key hires and business decisions.”

  • “I can’t recommend Chynna enough. She showed me how to move forward more authentically and intuitively with my work. She is so special and really helped me see my way forward after many years of feeling overwhelmed and stagnant within my work."

  • “Nancy cleared my company’s office and it’s been amazing the difference it made in creating a feeling of calmness and balance. For me, it’s been a reset of my thinking, my feelings, and my actions, and I experienced positive results literally immediately.”

  • "After 13 years of being in business, I've worked with a lot of coaches, guides, and mentors along the way, and I've never experienced being so SEEN and understood as I did in my work with Chynna. She is so brilliant in her ability to merge her intuitive gifts with her pragmatic business knowledge – her ability to communicate with my guides and really get to my core essence, the work that I'm now called to do, and give me an actual, clear breakdown of where to focus my time and energy was absolutely priceless.”

  • “Within a month of Nancy’s consult, I was hitting and even surpassing my already lofty goals for business profits.”

  • "My sessions with Chynna have been invaluable. She's been able to provide a level of clarity to help me move my business forward in a powerful way. I'm so grateful for her guidance and support. Chynna has a gift of being able to focus on what's most important to provide either the clarity you seek, support, or both. As a clear channel, she provides helpful guidance and direction.”

  • "Nancy is trustworthy and holds high level of integrity in her work and offerings."

  • "Chynna’s guidance gave me the strength and clarity to take steps to move forward with my work in a realistic way.”

  • “Nancy is professional, highly qualified, wonderfully personable, and chock-full of information that can be positively life-changing! Her extensive knowledge and background make her one-of-a-kind in her field of expertise and I highly recommend her services.”

  • “Before our session, I was spinning my wheels feeling torn by projects that were calling my attention, making me conflicted on what I ‘should’ be doing. Chynna was able to distill each project and help me understand where to put my focus first and why. I was so ignited and inspired after our time together and I also felt a renewed connection with my guides that I started getting creative downloads right and left that moved me forward on the first project the very next day.”

  • “Since Nancy’s consult, we’ve noticed that business for both of us has gotten much better, and our health issues have decreased dramatically.”

  • “My time with Chynna cleared away the clutter of my confusion and left me connected, trusting myself and feeling supported on my path.”

  • “I am so pleased to be able to recommend Nancy’s intuitive work. An intuitive myself, I sometimes need clarification or reinforcement of my own guidance. Nancy is my default intuitive. Recently I was in a rough situation and couldn’t get clear no matter what I did. Nancy’s guidance was instant, spot-on, and so accurate that I knew immediately what to do. I was so grateful.”